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  Things That Should Be In Toolbox
Posté par : DFDVX187 - 14-11-2022, - Forum : Présentez-vous... - Réponses (18)

Things That Should Be In Toolbox
Every home deserves a toolbox, and you can pick one up through any reputable online or brick-and-mortar hardware store. But what actually goes into your toolbox? That can be a surprisingly hard list to make – you don’t want to spend the Earth or feel inundated with gadgets, but neither do you want to find yourself missing the right tool for the right job.
Luckily enough, your toolbox doesn’t need to be overflowing to be fully stocked with all the essentials – in fact, any toolbox worth its salt is built around just 10 fundamental items.
Having the right equipment to hand means being able to respond to essential jobs around the home and put together your flat-pack furniture in a flash – you’ll even have all the necessaries if conducting major home improvements starts to appeal to you, but you don’t have to collect the whole hardware store to feel confident in your DIY-ing ability.
Here’s a quick rundown of your essential items. You’ll learn where to use them, how to use them, which ones to pick, and the ins and outs of storage – by the end of this post, expect to be well-versed, well-prepared, and ready to get started.
Essentially just a metal rod with a shape at its head, the humble screwdriver is used to get screws in, get screws out, and, more often than not, to lever lids away from paint pots. Screwdrivers are rarely a one-shot deal. There are differences in heads and differences in size, but you can basically break the essentials down into:

  • Slot Head: The head tapers to a single wedge that’s perfect for simple slotted screws. Blades are measured by fractions of inch.

  • Philips Head: The head fits into cross-shape-headed screws, with sizes varying between #0 and #4.

  • Allen Head: The head fits into a hexagonal shape and is measured in millimeters.
Stubbies are as short as possible; with a pronounced knob to hold onto instead of the customary long handle, they are tailormade for working in smaller, tighter spaces where maneuverability is compromised. In contrast, longer screwdrivers should be your go-to for reaching into gaps. Ratchet screwdrivers save you taking the head from the screw at every rotation – a good investment should extensive screwdriving be on the horizon.
Using the wrong size or shape of screwdriver could strip the screw head. Don’t do that. Rotate slowly but steadily, holding the handle with your dominant hand and the screw with your other. Remember to turn, not press – this is a screw, not a nail. When you’re done, there’s really no wrong way to store your screwdriver, but it’s nice having them lined up so you can pick out different lengths and shapes at a glance.
As for brands, you can’t go too far wrong with the extensive range available from Stanley – Bahco and Draper are also worthy choices.
Spanners, known as wrenches across the pond, provide a set grip that fits over a fastener, such as a nut or bolt, with a handle to deliver leverage for easier turning – the longer the handle, the greater the leverage. A socket set uses a single handle that can be fitted to differently sized grips; whole sets are pricy, but they’re what you need to tackle a diverse range of fastenings without hauling around a weighty trove of single spanners.
Spanners are available in plenty of sizes, with a standard ‘M-value’ of fastener corresponding to different grip sizes. Look for one made of chromium-vanadium alloy, preferably with a chrome coating to resist corrosion.
How To Choose The Right Tool Set
Having just a couple of tools is not enough for most professional mechanics, in fact, the starting investment that a mechanic should expect to invest at a bare minimum is around $11,000. Collecting all the tools you need as time goes on one by one is the best option, even though it may take a while to have all the necessary equipment that you would use frequently. If this doesn’t work for you, tool sets for mechanics are the best option for you. We will discuss everything you need to know about tool sets so that you are able to choose the most suitable for the job. If you’re starting your career in the mechanic’s industry, buy a tool set that includes various types of tools for the different jobs that you will end up working on. We have listed below some features that you need to look for in a professional-grade tool set.
1) Number of Tools Pieces
It is important to note the number of pieces that are included in the tool set as this saves you money in the long term and makes so you having matching tools. Tool sets can include 50 to hundreds of pieces. However, more pieces doesn’t always mean value or convenience; you have to make sure that the tools included are of use for your job.
2) Portability
If you work on the go one of the big questions to ask is “Can I take this with me easily”. If you are on the go you need to consider the options that have a carrying case with a handle that enables you to carry all of your tools wherever you go. Weight is another important factor that you should consider when choosing a tool set. The lighter the tool set is, the easier it is to carry and transport. If you want a portable option, you should choose one that is light enough for you to be able to easily move it. Ensure that the case is sturdy and heavy-duty to ensure a lifetime of use!
3. Types and Categories Of Tools
You definitely don’t want to buy a tool set that does not have the tools you require. Think about what you are going to use the tool set for and what tools you will need for your work. Look for a tool set that includes all or at least the majority of the tools that you need. If you’re starting out, pick one that includes wrenches, sockets, and extensions with SAE and Metric measurements, and if you need a more substantial set, choose one that also includes pliers, screwdrivers, and a torque wrench. Also, If your tool set contains multiple tools and accessories, then it's a good idea to get yourself a tool organizer. A tool organizer will help you store them so that you have them tidied up and don’t waste valuable time looking for the right one.
Tool Boxes: Chests, Cabinets, and Other Organizers Explained
Tool boxes represent a great unappreciated necessity for your workshop or garage. As your mechanical skill grows, so does your need to purchase good quality tools. As your abilities continue to advance, you realize that a greater variety of tools helps you get jobs done more efficiently. So your tool collection expands, which is great. But piling your tools on your workbench, or in various portable carriers, or on shelves in scattered locations, just doesn't cut it any longer.
Perhaps this scenario rings a bell: You're in the middle of a rather complex job on your car. A major component is partially disassembled, and it's precariously perched, waiting for you to loosen and remove the few final bolts holding it in place. You have it gingerly leaning against the fender, and you need to walk away from it for a moment, because in order to continue its removal, you need a particular tool. You need that tool RIGHT NOW, and you CAN'T FIND IT. Frustrating, we know, we were there once! If you had all your tools organized in a decent tool box, this nightmare wouldn't exist. When you are ready to make this better for yourself, stop what you're doing, pour yourself a cold drink, and look through our selection of tool boxes, chests, and cabinets. We're here to help you decide which and how many of these important organizers you need.
The scope of this article will be focused on what are referred to as professional-level or mechanics-level tool boxes: tool chests, roller cabinets, or the combination of the two (see definitions below). While you can certainly consider portable tool boxes, rolling tool carts, locker cabinets, and small organizers, these are outside of today's discussion. We will zoom in on the all-metal, multi-drawer type of boxes that you see in dealership service departments and well-organized workshops.
What are wire and cable cutters?
Wire and cable cutters are tools that have been designed to properly cut either wire or cable with minimal damage to the insulation or internal conductors of the wire or cable. Having a clean cut on a wire or cable can improve the quality of an electrical connection. Without the proper tools, you run the risk of tearing or otherwise damaging the insulation which can compromise the integrity of the wire or cable. More than that, you potentially damage the internal conductors which can severely affect the conductivity of the connection. What is the best way to avoid this? Use the proper wire and cable cutter to ensure that you get the cleanest cut and strong potential connection. The first thing to understand when looking at our wire and cable cutters is each tool is significantly different from the others.
What to Use if You Don’t Have a Wrench
Duck tape
Duct tape is useful in almost any situation but you may be surprised to learn that you can use it to loosen bolts. First tear off a section roughly 12 inches in length, after this tear it down the middle so you are left with two 12 inch strips.
Make a strong tape strip by sticking one strip to the back (the non-sticky side), next wrap part of the strip around the nut leaving a ‘tail’ 6-8 inches long and press firmly to ensure it has adhered to the metal nut. Pull the duct tape tail in the direction required to loosen the nut to easily remove it.
Two coins
Who would think that money can be used as a makeshift tool? Take two large coins (2 pence coins work perfectly for this) and place them on either side of the nut.
Grip the coins between the knuckles of your index and middle fingers for extra grip and twist in the direction needed to loosen the nut.
These wonderful little toolbox accessories aren’t just used to tidy up cables and attach hubcaps, they can also be used in place of a spanner.
Place the zip-tie around the nut as tightly as possible and using the tail of the zip-tie pull in the direction necessary to loosen or tighten the nut.
Another nut and bolt
If you don’t have any of the previously mentioned objects but have plenty of nuts and bolts lying around, you can still create a makeshift spanner with two nuts and two bolts.
First, attach one of the nuts to one of the bolts and place it on top of the nut you wish to loosen or tighten (so that the thread of the bolt is on top of the nut). Adjust until the nut is gripped tightly between the head of the bolt and the nut.
Now take the second nut and attach it so that you can connect the two bolts, make sure that everything is connected tightly and turn your creation in the direction required.
So there we have it, four alternatives you can use to loosen or tighten nuts without a spanner. With this guide, there are no more excuses for why you haven’t done any of the jobs you said couldn’t be done yet because you don’t have the tools!
Of course, it is always better to have a toolbox with the basic tools required for general DIY but with these quick fixes, you won’t be caught in a pinch again.

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  Uses & benefits of laminator
Posté par : DFDVX187 - 14-11-2022, - Forum : Présentez-vous... - Réponses (8)

Uses & benefits of laminator
A laminator or laminating machine can help keep those documents or photos safe and protected for years of use. The best-known uses for lamination are ID cards and restaurant menus. However, whenever you have flat materials you need to protect, enhance or reuse, then lamination can be the way to go.
A laminator is a good investment if you have many important documents that must be protected from dust, damp and damage, but also need to be handled frequently. Lamination also stiffens the material, making it excellent for creating table top displays and hanging posters/signs.
A laminator can help you keep important paper cards from ripping or getting wet. Some like to keep old newspaper clips and school draws or cards from the kids. Keep things from aging and be able to pull them out anytime you want to go down memory lane. Laminate those photos and such then make a scrapbook out of them later. You can do some many things with a laminator. Storing them is easy and you don't have to worry about the papers or photos turning yellow after they have been in boxes.

Laminators have been used to seal historical documents in plastic to protect them from ageing. Such lamination is more common with documents from 150 to 250 years ago, as older documents are too fragile for lamination, and younger documents are usually already effectively filed safely
There are two types of laminator. Pouch laminators and roll laminators (which uses sheets or rolls of plastic to laminate large documents). Lamination pouches can be supplied in a range of sizes. Rolls of plastic sheeting are also available for roll laminators
Pouch laminators are commonly seen in schools, homes, churches, restaurants and other businesses for laminating photographs, business cards, photo IDs, menus and more.
You can use pouch laminators for your cards or photos. These fit in your purse or wallet with ease or store them. If you have bigger jobs then you will need a machine to do the job. They are easy and fast to use. Whether you need it for school work, office work, or just those things at home. You can benefit from having one should you need it.
Laminating is a low cost way to protect and preserve everything from ID cards to restaurant menus. Any flat material, documents, photographs, parking passes, etc. that you need to protect from abrasion, moisture, fingerprints and wear and tear from handling can be protected by laminating it.
It doesn't take long to laminate those photos or papers of your kids. Just a few moments that can last you a lifetime and let you use them over and over again. Schools love having thing laminated for they are easy to wipe off and the kids can use them again and again.
Lamination also improves the appearance of your materials in a variety of ways. For example, laminating a brochure deepers and brightens colors. It enhances contrast. Lamination gives your materials a finished, professional look of quality. Materials that are laminated just look better
Wide format Laminating: Lamination is an important component of big colour because of the cost factors associated with wide format printing. Wide format printing is a substantial investment. These prints are not expendable and need to have an extended lifetime to justify the costs. Lamination protects, enhances and extends the life of the print.
What is Roll Laminating Film?
When you’re on a roll, you don’t want to stop or slow down! Laminating film lets you run several documents through your laminator without needing to stop the machine. But what exactly is the film made out of?
Let’s get technical. Laminating film is made of a base film, such as polyester or PVC, and is then coated with an adhesive. Adhesives can be activated either by thermal heat or by high-pressure. This coated film is wound around a cardboard core, which is loaded into your roll laminator.
Generally, roll laminators use sets of two rolls – one on top and one on bottom. Your documents are fed in between these two rolls and the laminator uses heat and/or pressure to activate the adhesive, creating your laminated document.
Choosing the Right Laminating Film
Roll films can cover a wide variety of projects. Whether you’re laminating odd sized documents, like alphabet letters, or wide graphics, such as a window sign, there's the right film for you.
When selecting roll film, first think about the size of your laminator. Roll widths can vary between 12 inches and 64 inches. Make sure the size will fit in your machine.
Next, consider how flexible you want your laminated items to be. Mil thickness can range from 1.5 mil up to 10 mil. The higher the mil number, the more rigid your final document will become.
Finally, think about the finish on your laminated documents. Do you want glossy or matte items? Should they have a luster or textured quality? These decisions will help guide you through selecting the best film for your project.
Standard vs Low Temp Film
NAP I is standard type laminating film that is activated at 290F, while NAP II is a low temp film that activates at 230F. Learn more about the differences and the uses for each film type on our laminating film comparison page.
Thermal vs Pressure-Sensitive Film
Create quality results with either thermal or pressure-sensitive film. Both can form lasting protective bonds around your documents. The main differences depend on the document you want to laminate and the type of roll laminator you are using. Some documents may be sensitive to heat, which would make pressure-sensitive lamination your best choice, while some laminators may only support one type of film.
What Is Window Patching Machine?
What is window patching machine? It’s a good question!Window patching machine can save you a lot of trouble in gluing plastic film on the paper, then needn’t pay a lot of money hiring a lot of labor force manually patching the film on the box. Today we gonna take you for a closer look at this machine.
Window Patching Machine, also named window patcher, window pasting machine, window past machine, is a mechanical device used for sticking the plastic film on the cardboard or corrugated carton.
Development in the Plastic industry also boosts the packaging industry and make it more diversified. Customer can also choose box package that they can see products inside. Window Patching Machine was invented in this period. Who is the first one invented the window patching machine can’t be traced. Kohmann who was established in the 1950s is probably the first company claiming this business.
As the demand for window patching machine became larger, more factories in many other countries such as China, India, Japan, etc. are also try to gain a share in this market. One famous brand is Heiber+Schroeder from Germany, whose name is abbreviated as H+S.
In China, we, Hengtong, are one of the first manufactures specialized in making window patching machine. Established in 1987, we have more than 30 year’s experience in producing the machine. So the quality of our machine can be assured.
Different factories have different machine design, but in general, they share the same structural frame. Let us break the machine down.
Take our machine for example.
All machines have at least 5 parts, namely paper delivering, paper sending, gluing section, Film patching& pressing unit, as well as collecting device. Some may add optional functions like film cutting and perforation.
The Function: Feed the paper.It’s controlled by PLC with a human-computer interface. The length of paper to be fed without adjustment, so that paper can be input quickly and accurately.Also,it applies to card paper and corrugated paper.
Guide to Buying a Die Cutting Machine
From embossing and engraving to cutting out personalised designs, die cutters are an essential in any crafter’s tool kit. No matter whether you’re scrapbooking or card making, dies and die cutting machines offer a quick and easy way to add dimension and texture without fiddly or painstaking scissor work. Here’s our quick guide to buying the die cutter that’s perfect for you and your next creative crafting ideas.
Die cutting machines are used for engraving, embossing, and even for cutting paper, card, fabric, and thin metal. If you wanted to make an intricate paper flower without a die cutter, you would need to carefully cut this out using a scalpel or a pair of scissors. Potentially clumsy and definitely time consuming, this can quickly get tiring if you have a lot of them to do. Die cutting machines take away all this hassle, precisely cutting the design you want in no time at all. The ‘die’ is the pattern that you’ll be cutting out, which you load into the machine.
Manual die cutters are lightweight, affordable, and often the most popular choice. The crafter must align the die with their chosen material and use a manual crank on the side to operate it. A wide range of dies can be used with manual die cutters, and many crafters like the hands on approach as well as the ability to see exactly where you are cutting.
With electronic die cutters, you load a die cartridge with your chosen design, and the machine does the aligning and cutting for you. They are not as portable as manual die cutters, but there is much less room for error and there is less work involved, freeing up your time to do other tasks. What's more, when utilising electronic die cutters, you usually have to install software onto your computer. This can reduce your choice of dies, but with practice, can allow you to make your own customised dies.
You will need to purchase dies separately to the die cutting machine. There is a wide variety of sizes, and you’ll need to check the maximum size your machine can handle. Metal dies will cost more than electronic ones, but the choice you have with metal dies can be much greater. You can find dies for cutting out flat lay boxes that you can later build, as well as intricate floral, animal and lace designs for decorating cards, scrapbooks and journals.

Are you looking for a specific theme? If so, here at The Range our extensive collection of creative dies are sure to impress. Why not liven up your next handmade masterpice with help from our sensational selection of patterned dies, floral dies, vintage-style dies, and even our array of desirable novelty-themed dies.

Automatic Wire Strippers and Wire Stripping Machines
Wire strippers and wire stripping machines remove the insulation from electrical wires, coaxial cables and similar types of wiring. A wire stripper generally refers to a portable hand-held device while a wire stripping machine is an industrial version used for heavy duty casing removal. Both wire strippers and wire stripping machines are available in automatic and manual types. Additionally, different types of wire stripping methods are available:

  • Cutting – The simplest way of moving wire casing is simply to cut it away.

  • Abrasive – The abrasive method uses a rough wheel that wears away the insulation and polishes the wire clean.

  • Thermal – The thermal method melts or burns away the wire’s insulation.

  • Mechanical – Mechanical wire strippers typically use the abrasive or cutting method combined with a mechanial power source.

  • Chemical – The chemical stripping method uses chemicals that react with the insulation and cause it to dissolve.

  • Laser – A high tech method used mainly in special applications. With this method, the laser removes the insulation without disturbing the conducting metal underneath.
Many companies and individuals strip off the insulation from large quantities of wire in order to sell the conducting metal to junk yards, recycling centers and other buyers. For this type of work, wire stripping machines are generally capable of much higher volume output than hand held wire strippers. When the user only needs the equipment for a temporary job, it is possible to rent rather than buy the wire stripping machines. Whenever stripping large industrial wires and cables, machines are preferable because they are also capable of cutting through thick, strong wires.
With these machines, the user places the wire between two abrasive wheels, typically made of wire or fiberglass. The abrasive wheel must have the right material and texture to deal with the insulation and wire gauge involved. The wrong wheel material may result in damage to the conducting metal. Tension must be correct or the wire will break.

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  Parkcrest Dental Group – Bamboo Toothbrush: Advantages and Disadvantages
Posté par : DFDVX187 - 14-11-2022, - Forum : Présentez-vous... - Réponses (4)

Parkcrest Dental Group – Bamboo Toothbrush: Advantages and Disadvantages
Way back when, before the toothbrush and toothpaste, people would use rough cloths, salt, twigs, or chalk to remove grime from their teeth. Thankfully toothbrush technology has advanced and we now have plenty of options when it comes to our dental care.
The bamboo toothbrush has exploded in popularity around the world because of its biodegradability. Just as effective as plastic or electric, a bamboo toothbrush has a bamboo handle and nylon fibers (or in some cases other natural fibers) that are just as strong as plastic. There are plenty of advantages that a bamboo toothbrush can offer.
Parkcrest Dental Group explores the advantages and disadvantages of a bamboo toothbrush, from its function to its biodegradability.
Bamboo toothbrushes reduce waste and are actually anti-microbial.
The most widely known and popular advantage, a bamboo-based toothbrush eliminates unnecessary waste while giving you the same quality of cleaning that a plastic brush can offer. With both the packaging and tossing of your toothbrush, recycling, reusing, or composting has never been easier. Here at Parkcrest Dental Group, we recommend changing your toothbrush every one to three months for optimum care. With a biodegradable toothbrush, you can feel better about reaching for that new brush.
Another advantage of bamboo is that it is naturally antimicrobial. There’s a reason cutting boards and kitchen utensils are made out of wood and bamboo. Unlike plastic, properties inside the bamboo kill bacteria that penetrate it’s surface, providing long-lasting protection against harmful bacteria.
Reasons Why Bamboo Sunglasses Are More Than Just A Trend
You might have been noticing more and more people around wearing bamboo sunglasses. Bamboo sunglasses have been a hot trend for a while now, but are they merely just a passing trend, or are they here to stay?
If you’ve already tried a pair of bamboo sunglasses for yourself, you’ll definitely understand what the hype is all about. Bamboo is a material that’s becoming more popular in the eyewear world and for so many good reasons. Let's see why bamboo sunglasses are a trend that's here to stay, and why you should get on that train and get yourself a pair if you haven't already!
Whether you're going for a classic or casual look, bamboo sunglasses are a stylish and versatile accessory that can enhance any look! Bamboo is naturally very appealing, known for its distinctive pale colour and fine uniform texture. Every piece of bamboo wood has it's own distinct pattern and grain, making each pair of bamboo sunglasses unique. No two trees are similar. Each has its own distinctive story, look and charm. A story that has been deep-seated within its bark and timber. Every pair from the Kraywoods men's wooden sunglasses and women's wooden sunglasses collection is as unique as the trees and plants they come from.
Bamboo is naturally very lightweight, more than any other type of wood. With an extremely fine and smooth texture, bamboo feels amazing to the touch. With all these properties, bamboo sunglasses offer an unbeatable comfort conventional metal and plastic, and even other types of wood.
Bamboo is a versatile material used for many different purposes such as construction, furniture, home accessories, etc. When it comes to eyewear, Bamboo can be easily manipulated and handcrafted into any shape and design. It also reacts beautifully to finishes, making for a variety of charming colours and designs when it comes to eyewear frames.
You can choose your pair of wooden sunglasses according to your colour preferences and choose which will make your wooden sunglasses truly one-of-a-kind. Several wooden sunglasses are available in different shapes and styles, like - Browline, Cat-eye, Aviators, Wayfarers, Rectangular D frames, Round, Shield, etc. so you can have whatever style you like in wood.
Most acetate and plastic materials are made from crude oil. Although these materials are sometimes required in eyewear, it doesn't mean that we can't minimize their use. For wooden sunglasses, natural woods are used to make the whole frame or, at least, the temples of the frame. These woods are sustainably sourced and handcrafted piece by piece. Many companies also use recycled plastic in acetate when making their sunglasses, along with the natural wood. Wood sunglasses are available with full wood or half wood frames and can be made from various wood types, including Bamboo, Walnut, Zebrawood, Ebony and many more.
Bamboo is one of the most unique and fastest-growing plants. It is considered as one of the most eco-friendly resources on the planet. Made from natural vegetation, it's a highly renewable resource that can grow to maturity in as little as three to five years. When it comes to materials used to make your sunglasses, you can't get more sustainable than that!
Higher demand for more sustainable lifestyles means that natural and eco-friendly materials are essential, even in the eyewear world. Considering the sustainability of bamboo sunglasses, it's the best choice for eco-conscious consumers looking for sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives to standard plastic sunglasses. Additionally, most wooden sunglasses brands also offer sustainable and environmentally friendly packaging when purchasing a pair of bamboo sunglasses.
How to Clean a Bath Brush
Hanging from a hook near your bathtub lies your once favorite bath brush. It sits crusted with bathroom mold, soap scum and other unidentifiable dirt. You'd love to clean this brush to use when enjoying bath time but you don't know how. Cleaning a bath brush requires very little effort to make even the nastiest bath brush usable once again.
Slide an old comb between the bristles of the bath brush to remove any hair and loose dirt. Rinse the comb frequently so you don't embed more dirt in the bristles of the brush.
Boil water in a pot on the stove. Move the pot to the kitchen sink and pour 1/2 cup ammonia into the water. Add one capful of shampoo to the water.
Place the bath brush into this mixture and stir the brush head through the water to help loosen the filth on the brush. Allow the brush to soak for at least 15 minutes.
Run warm water over the brush to remove grime that has worked free of the bristles. Place the brush back into the solution to free any remaining residue.
Rinse thoroughly with cool water and allow to dry before use.
Are Toothpicks Recyclable?
You never really know how important toothpicks are until you have just downed a ton of meat and have those pesky little fibers stuck between your teeth.
But while getting your hands on some good toothpicks is quite relieving, disposing of them can be tricky, especially if you’re trying to live more sustainably.
So to help you out, today we are going to talk about how to dispose of these items. So relax and you’ll soon have all the answers you seek.
This is because wooden toothpicks are made from either bamboo or wood from other plants, both of which are replenishable resources. And while these toothpicks have a short lifespan, they are biodegradable and can be composted.
On the other hand, plastic and metal toothpicks have a longer lifespan but will stay in landfills for years to come.
And let’s not even start on the environmental ramifications of manufacturing these toothpicks in the first place.
Apart from the environment, a lot of people are concerned about the safety of using toothpicks. And for the most part, they are right – toothpicks can be bad for your teeth.
If you regularly use wooden toothpicks, this is a predicament you must be familiar with.
This usually happens when the toothpicks you’re using are poorly made or if you’re being too rough.
And the longer the broken piece remains stuck, the more inflamed your gums can get.
Ultimately, if you’re unable to remove it you will have to visit the dentist.
Types Of Toothbrushes - Choose The Best Brush For You
Using the right toothbrush can make your daily oral care routine more enjoyable—and more effective.
A toothbrush is personal, which is why they’re available in a variety of sizes and shapes. If you have a large mouth, you may prefer a full-sized toothbrush head. If you have a small mouth, opt for a compact head. And some adults even prefer youth or child-sized toothbrushes because they find them easier to use for brushing behind the back teeth.

If comfort is important, try a toothbrush with a non-slip grip, which makes it easy to use even if wet. Additionally, the handles on many toothbrushes have been modeled based on research into the five different ways that people hold their toothbrush while brushing.
A manual toothbrush works well if you are a diligent brusher, but more and more people are opting for electric toothbrushes.
As with a manual toothbrush, the best electric toothbrush for you is the one you like and will use every day. Electric toothbrushes come in different sizes, too. In general, the replaceable heads of electric toothbrushes are smaller than the full-sized head of a manual toothbrush, so if you are used to a full-sized head, the electric toothbrush may take some getting used to.
Keep in mind that one of the benefits of the smaller head size on an electric toothbrush is that it is better able to clean each tooth individually and get to the hard-to-reach places of your mouth. Many different styles of brush heads are available, from polishing brush heads to brush heads for sensitive teeth. There are a number of varying bristle movements powered toothbrushes utilize. Oscillating/rotating technology is independently validated as better than manual brushing in reducing plaque and gingivitis. The Series features the latest technology when it comes to brushing teeth and protecting your gums. The award-winning brush combines powerful, but gentle micro-vibrations with unique dentist-inspired round brush head for a professional clean feeling.
The bottom line is that if you choose the toothbrush that is the right size and style for your mouth and your oral care needs, you’ll be able to clean your teeth more completely and help prevent bacterial buildup and the development of plaque. Check out latest deals on top electric toothbrushes to find the one that’s right for you at a limited-time price.
Remember that regular replacement of toothbrushes contributes to maintaining a consistently high level of oral hygiene because clinical research shows a new toothbrush can remove up to 30% more plaque than one that's three months old.

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  How Common Mode Chokes Work
Posté par : DFDVX187 - 14-11-2022, - Forum : Présentez-vous... - Réponses (28)

How Common Mode Chokes Work
First, we examine differential interference. With differential interference, what occurs through the device is that for any signal transmission from the line side, there should be an equal return on the neutral side. Whatever is crossing from your line (or the topside) back through the neutral (bottom side), should be cross-canceling. What is happening is that you're not going to get any unwanted noise in a differential mode if there is equal signal cancellation. When these types of transmissions are not balanced and cancelling, there will be the occurrence of differential noise.
In a common mode noise situation, there is noise coming in simultaneously from both input sides (line and neutral) and exiting simultaneously, but is also coupling back to earth ground. What you want to do is capture the unwanted noise and keep it from being transmitted and coupling back to earth ground. To do this, both the line and the neutral signal currents should be captured and burned off as heat through a common device such as a magnetic core. A common mode choke is where both line and neutral windings are wound on a single core.

When using a current compensated choke to decrease common mode noise, (the interference pattern or the unwanted noise) you want to have a high impedance at the unwanted frequencies to knock down that unwanted noise. On this particular slide, the blue line is a common mode suppression. The dashed red line on the bottom is differential mode suppression. Even though it's a common mode choke, it does have some differential mode suppression as well at various frequency levels. You see a black bar that's drawn there as well. That's a transmission frequency for example.

Consider the scenario where you are transmitting a wanted data carrier, also known as “a signal” at some frequency. Now, if there is also noise around this frequency, you want to eliminate the noise (unwanted frequencies), but not distort the signal. Usually, the noise would be common mode noise, so the solution to lower (if not eliminate) the unwanted noise frequencies is to use a common mode choke that will have a high impedance at the unwanted frequencies only. With the proper common mode choke, this reduces the noise, but does not affect the required signal.
Sometimes you want common mode impedance, but very little differential mode impedance. Look at comparisons for various parts between common mode chokes. There is a considerable difference between a single choke used for differential mode suppression, and a current compensated (or common mode choke) used for common mode suppression. The main difference between the two parts is that in the common mode choke, there are two windings or multiple windings, meaning you can have a three line winding, or more. You can have four line carriers as well, but all the windings are on a common core.

On a common mode choke, the core material keeps the windings coupled together. By contrast, the single choke or single winding inductors have just the one winding on the one core. This is a chart showing the difference of common mode impedance. Obviously, a common mode choke would have common mode impedances to suppress unwanted common mode noise. For a communication or signal application, it would be beneficial to have very low differential noise suppression on the common mode choke Even though we're talking about common mode chokes, every common mode choke will also have some differential mode impedance as well. It is important that the differential suppression is not at the transmitted signal frequency, so as not to distort the signal.
Transformer Construction
AA simple two-winding transformer construction consists of each winding being wound on a separate soft iron limb or core which provides the necessary magnetic circuit.
This magnetic circuit, know more commonly as the “transformer core” is designed to provide a path for the magnetic field to flow around, which is necessary for induction of the voltage between the two windings.
However, this type of transformer construction where the two windings are wound on separate limbs is not very efficient since the primary and secondary windings are well separated from each other. This results in a low magnetic coupling between the two windings as well as large amounts of magnetic flux leakage from the transformer itself. But as well as this “O” shapes construction, there are different types of “transformer construction” and designs available which are used to overcome these inefficiencies producing a smaller more compact transformer.
The efficiency of a simple transformer construction can be improved by bringing the two windings within close contact with each other thereby improving the magnetic coupling. Increasing and concentrating the magnetic circuit around the coils may improve the magnetic coupling between the two windings, but it also has the effect of increasing the magnetic losses of the transformer core.
As well as providing a low reluctance path for the magnetic field, the core is designed to prevent circulating electric currents within the iron core itself. Circulating currents, called “eddy currents”, cause heating and energy losses within the core decreasing the transformer’s efficiency.
These losses are due mainly to voltages induced in the iron circuit, which is constantly being subjected to the alternating magnetic fields setup by the external sinusoidal supply voltage. One way to reduce these unwanted power losses is to construct the transformer core from thin steel laminations.
In most types of transformer construction, the central iron core is constructed from of a highly permeable material commonly made from thin silicon steel laminations. These thin laminations are assembled together to provide the required magnetic path with the minimum of magnetic losses. The resistivity of the steel sheet itself is high, thus reducing any eddy current loss by making the laminations very thin.
These steel transformer laminations vary in thickness’s from between 0.25mm to 0.5mm and as steel is a conductor, the laminations and any fixing studs, rivets or bolts are electrically insulated from each other by a very thin coating of insulating varnish or by the use of an oxide layer on the surface.
Transformer Construction of the Core
Generally, the name associated with the construction of a transformer is dependent upon how the primary and secondary windings are wound around the central laminated steel core. The two most common and basic designs of transformer construction are the Closed-core Transformer and the Shell-core Transformer.
In the “closed-core” type (core form) transformer, the primary and secondary windings are wound outside and surround the core ring. In the “shell type” (shell form) transformer, the primary and secondary windings pass inside the steel magnetic circuit (core) which forms a shell around the windings as shown below.
n both types of transformer core design, the magnetic flux linking the primary and secondary windings travels entirely within the core with no loss of magnetic flux through air. In the core type transformer construction, one half of the winding is wrapped around each leg (or limb) of the transformer’s magnetic circuit as shown above.
The coils are not arranged with the primary winding on one leg and the secondary on the other but instead half of the primary winding and half of the secondary winding are placed one over the other concentrically on each leg in order to increase magnetic coupling allowing practically all of the magnetic lines of force go through both the primary and secondary windings at the same time. However, with this type of transformer construction, a small percentage of the magnetic lines of force flow outside of the core, and this is called “leakage flux”.
Shell type transformer core’s overcome this leakage flux as both the primary and secondary windings are wound on the same centre leg or limb which has twice the cross-sectional area of the two outer limbs. The advantage here is that the magnetic flux has two closed magnetic paths to flow around external to the coils on both left and right hand sides before returning back to the central coils.
This means that the magnetic flux circulating around the outer limbs of this type of transformer construction is equal to Φ/2. As the magnetic flux has a closed path around the coils, this has the advantage of decreasing core losses and increasing overall efficiency.
Amorphous Cores
Amorphous Alloys are metallic glass materials without a crystalline structure. Amorphous-Alloy Cores provide better electrical conductivity, higher permeability and magnetic density, and efficient operation over a wider temperature range than cores made from conventional materials. Smaller, lighter, and more energy-efficient designs are possible for transformers, inductors, invertors, motors, and any device requiring high frequency, low loss performance.
Advantages of using amorphous cores:

  • High permeability

  • High magnetic density

  • Reduced distribution and core losses

  • Wide range of frequency properties

  • Low coercivity forces

  • Low no-load loss

  • Low temperature rise

  • Affordably priced

  • Excellent resistance to corrosion

  • High harmonic wave tolerances
EMC and Common Mode vs. Differential Mode Noise
  • Noise appears in two forms in an electrical interconnect: as differential mode and common mode noise.

  • Differential mode noise is measured between two sections of an interconnect with equal and opposite polarity, while common mode noise applies to interconnects with the same phase and polarity.

  • Both forms of noise are induced in an interconnect via Faraday’s law from external radiation.
Break open any high speed signaling standard document, and you’ll find reference to tolerable noise limits at receivers, allowed skew on differential pairs, and loss budgets along interconnects. These standards are there to ensure components provide consistent functionality, but they don’t guarantee a system will work properly. As more high speed protocols become common in a variety of systems, noise becomes problematic in typically quiet systems. This applies to noise emitted from an interconnect, as well as noise received by an interconnect.
Because some low-level high speed protocols are noise-sensitive, and due to the use of differential pairs in modern high speed protocols, designers need to understand how different types of noise signals are induced on an interconnect. During EMC tests, common mode vs. differential mode noise can be introduced and will interfere with signal recovery. Keep reading to see exactly how this noise is induced in a system and what you can do to stop it.
Common Mode vs. Differential Mode Noise
All noise received in an electrical system is induced into the system in two ways:
Conducted EMI: This type of noise is received from some other component in the system. This noise propagates into the system as a current, either through direct conduction or by capacitive or inductive coupling.
Radiated EMI: Noise is emitted and received radiatively, meaning that radiated EMI is a form of crosstalk. Some of the strategies for reducing crosstalk will also apply to radiated EMI.
Each mechanism can put either type of noise into some portion of an electronic system. Any pair of traces or wires on a PCB, IC, or cable assembly can experience two types of noise: common mode and differential mode noise. Common mode noise will have the same magnitude and polarity on each side of the interconnect, while differential mode noise has opposite polarity. Note that we haven’t considered intrinsic random noise sources like Johnson noise, which does not need an external source.
The image below shows the difference between common mode and differential mode noise. In this image, the noise voltages on each side of the interconnect are V1 and V2. These voltages are measured with respect to the reference plane below the traces, which is assumed to be 0 V everywhere.

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  Different Types Of Industrial Printing Machines
Posté par : DFDVX187 - 14-11-2022, - Forum : Présentez-vous... - Réponses (9)

Different Types Of Industrial Printing Machines

In the industrial set up of the economy, the printing machines are growing in large numbers. Different printing techniques and processes are used by every industry for effective communication. Any machine used in printing ink on the substrate (printing medium) which can be cloth, paper or plastic, is referred to as the printing machinery. By applying pressure to the substrate, the printing machinery transfers the ink on the printing medium resting on an inked platform composed of movable type. The development of industrial printing machines changed a lot of things in the world. It would make transfer and preservation of historical records, scientific findings, and knowledge easy and possible. There's a great advancement in the printing machinery introduced in the market today given the improvement in science and technology. There's a competition in the industry, as many companies are now making printing press. As every company is introducing better features and making an effort to overcome the other competitors, this has led to the introduction of many enhanced features in printing machinery. With the introduction of various features in these types of machinery, printing is now easier to be done than it was in earlier days.
Today, printing machinery is available in many sizes to suit different needs. Bigger sizes of printing machinery are available for heavy-duty printing or big-time printing businesses. You can get small and medium sizes too for small and medium printing businesses. The machinery size determines the volume of printing that will be done in a day, to a greater extent. When compared with small-sized printing machinery, the heavy industrial printing machines can print a lot of things per hour or regularly. There are different types of printing machines for printing on a different medium since different printing machines make use of different printing technology. Each of the below-mentioned printing machinery is meant to serve a particular purpose. You must consider your printing needs or the type of printing that you are doing before you want to buy or order for your printing machine. Several factors such as the size, the type of printing done, the seller, the brand, and others determine the cost.
Types Of Printing Machines

  • Digital Printers

  • Ink-jet Printers

  • Screen Printers

  • Embossing Machines

  • Flexographic Printing Machine

  • Letterpress Printing Machines

  • Offset Printers

  • Laser printers

  • Wireless Printers

  • 3D Printers

  • Thermographic Printers

  • Electrostatic Printing Machine

  • Pad Printers

  • Rotogravure Printing Machines
Here’s What Experts Think About Stretching Machines
On the surface, stretching machines seem like a good idea—if they’re designed to help improve flexibility, and flexibility is an important part of fitness, then certainly they’re worth using, right?
Plus, machines are often included with strength training and cardiovascular workouts, so by the same logic, stretching machines could supplement or enhance a flexibility workout, too.
Granted, the logic isn’t wrong, but it’s not necessarily right, either. Certainly, when used correctly, stretching machines can help enhance flexibility.
But what you need to ask yourself is whether improved flexibility is really the best goal, and even if it is, are these machines worth the cost? Generally, the answer is no. Here’s what experts want you to know about stretching machines.
“People often confuse flexibility and mobility,” says Alex Tauberg, DC, CSCS, the owner of Tauberg Chiropractic and Rehabilitation in Pittsburgh.
“Flexibility is the ability to elongate a muscle. Mobility is the ability to move a joint through its range of motion.”
In general, it’s better to focus on improving active mobility rather than flexibility, according to Tauberg.
“This ends up improving your flexibility as well, but has the benefit of being tied in more closely with everyday activities,” he says.
To give you a clear picture of the difference, mobility has to do with moving well throughout the day to perform the activities you need and want to perform.
Flexibility has to do with how far a particular muscle can move at a particular joint. You can have poor flexibility or excessive flexibility, and flexibility can be affected by genetics and training.
(Add this daily yoga routine to your morning.)
While flexibility can play a role in mobility, it’s possible for a person to be perfectly mobile for their given needs without being overly flexible.
For instance, a person may be able to walk around, squat down, and chase after a toddler without being able to do splits or bend over and touch the floor. Their mobility allows them to live a perfectly satisfying life without having a need for greater flexibility.
And while you can certainly use a stretching machine to increase flexibility, this type of stretching may not have a direct correlation with improved mobility.
As such, unless a professional has indicated that you need to work on muscle-specific flexibility with static stretching, you’re likely better off pursuing other types of mobility training. And even if you do need to work on flexibility, using a stretching machine may not be the best option.
What’s the difference between an inkjet printer and a laser printer?
An inkjet printer uses ink to print documents, while a laser printer uses a laser to print documents. Pretty simple, right?The different printing processes affect each printer’s speed, functions, and image quality. Let’s go into a bit more detail.
How does an inkjet printer work?
An inkjet printer uses ink cartridges.Here’s how it gets the ink onto paper:1. The printer processes an image or document from a device.2. Small nozzles (jets) are positioned throughout the printer to spray ink droplets onto a sheet of paper as it passes by. Hundreds of nozzles release thousands of ink droplets.
3. To release an ink droplet, the nozzle is heated by electricity. The heat causes the ink to expand in a bubble, and it expands through the nozzle until it squirts onto the paper.4. When the ink bubble collapses, a vacuum is created that draws more ink into the nozzle from the ink cartridge, ready to release the next droplet.5. It takes many droplets to form a single character.The nozzles are attached to a printhead, which can move left and right across the paper to create new characters.
How does a laser printer work?
Although it’s called a laser printer, static electricity is the main phenomenon that occurs to get those images and text on the page. Remember, when it comes to static electricity, opposites attract; only positive charges and negative charges stick to each other.Negative can’t attach to negative and positive can’t attach to positive (try playing with the ends of two magnets if you don’t believe it).A laser printer cleverly manipulates static electricity to attach toner to a sheet of paper. Laser toner is a powdered ink that’s more grain-like than regular ink.
Using a flash dryer for flashing.
Typically a flash dryer is placed 2-3 inches above the screen printing platen height. Depending on the wattage and type of the flash dryer the flash is positioned over the platen for anywhere from 3-15 seconds. Typically the ink needs to reach about 240-250 degrees Fahrenheit which is its gel point. The ink should not come up on your fingers if you touch it but still feel tacky. Screen printers should avoid flashing the ink for too long because if the ink has a chance to fully cure, the next layer of ink will not bond into the underbase which has already been fully cured, this is known as intercoat adhesion.Both plastisol and green galaxy water based ink need to reach 320 degrees through the entire layer of ink to fully cure or set. While a flash dryer can accomplish this, it is not optimal for production or consistency. A flash dryer allows air to circulate under it which can change the curing parameters in a moment, it also sometimes is not large enough to cure the entire design which can cause the edges to wash out. To use a flash dryer to properly cure ink it is imperative to separate the shirt from the platen. Unlike flashing where the shirt stays stuck to the platen to maintain registration, the when fully curing a shirt with a flash it is important to remove the shirt from the platen surface. This allows the heat to penetrate the entire layer of ink and fully cure the ink. If using a temp gun to temp the surface of the ink it should reach 330-340 degrees F. Stretch testing and wash testing ink is always recommended. If you are using a flash to achieve final cure ensure that the air around the flash is stagnant so that air movement does not change the temperature and flash elements effectiveness.
How Pneumatic Presses Are Used in Manufacturing
pneumatic press is a type of forming press that uses a pneumatic system to manipulate a workpiece via the aforementioned manufacturing processes. They typically feature a rectangular frame. After placing the workpiece in the middle of the frame, the top of the pneumatic press drops down to manipulate it.
Pneumatic presses work by applying pressure to workpiece. When a workpiece is placed in the middle of a pneumatic press, it will be exposed to pressure. The top of the pneumatic press will push down onto the workpiece. Due to the pressure behind it, the pneumatic press will then manipulate the workpiece.
Some forming presses use a hydraulics system to manipulate workpieces. Known as hydraulic presses, they are capable of performing many of the same manufacturing processes as their pneumatic counterparts. Hydraulic and pneumatic presses aren’t the same, however.
Hydraulic presses are powered by a pressurized liquid. They feature a piston that moves down into a liquid-filled storage tank. As the piston presses into the liquid-filled storage tank, it creates pressure on the top plate, thus pushing the top plate into the workpiece. The liquid can’t expand inside the sealed storage tank, so it creates pressure in response to the piston.
Pneumatic presses, on the other hand, are powered by pressurized gas or air. They feature a cylinder that’s filled with pressurized gas or air. Like hydraulic presses, pneumatic presses leverage compressive forces to manipulate workpieces. The difference is that hydraulic presses use pressurized liquid, whereas pneumatic presses use pressurized gas or air. When compared to hydraulic presses, pneumatic presses are faster and easier to maintain.

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  What is API Contract Manufacturing?
Posté par : DFDVX187 - 14-11-2022, - Forum : Présentez-vous... - Réponses (5)

What is API Contract Manufacturing?
Partnering with the right contractor is one of the most critical decisions a pharmaceutical company can make
The active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) is the foundation of a final drug product and is a crucial consideration when choosing a Contract Development and Manufacturing Organisation (CDMO). To understand API contract manufacturing, first, it is necessary to understand what is meant by an “active ingredient.”
Also called the “bulk active” or “bulk drug substance,” the API is the part of the drug that produces the intended effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease or that affects the structure or any function of a human or animal. The term includes those components that may undergo a chemical change and be present in a modified form intended to furnish the specified pharmacological activity in a finished drug product.
An API is formulated with other components that don’t perform the intended chemistry or biochemistry in the body. These components are called “inactive ingredients.” Active and inactive ingredients are mixed in various dosage forms (such as tablets, capsules or liquids) to yield a drug product.
The manufacture of APIs is a complex, specialised activity, requiring the expert intertwining of chemistry, biology and engineering. For instance, APIs include substances manufactured by a range of processes, including chemical synthesis, fermentation, recombinant DNA or other biotechnology methods, isolation/recovery from natural sources or through any combination of these processes.
Within the pharmaceutical industry, the entire process of making a drug product is either carried out by the owner of the drug, or by engaging a third party or parties (i.e., CDMOs) to complete the whole manufacturing process, or one or more discrete operations, under contract.
Although some companies are hesitant to outsource because of concerns around data security and quality or issues relating to change management, most drug development companies have realized that the return on investment has been worthwhile and that with the right partner, the advantages outweigh the potential risks.
Outsourcing to CDMOs can also provide companies with access to a flexible workforce comprised of highly-specialized experts. Recently, increased outsourcing to CDMOs has been observed for drug owners from biopharma to pharma companies, from small to large firms, and for early to late-stage development projects.
The quality of APIs has a significant effect on the efficacy (producing the result desired) and the safety of medications. Choosing a CDMO that can provide the right API at the required strength, quality and purity is, therefore, a critical decision for drug development companies.
Favipiravir (T-705, 6-fluoro-3-hydroxypyrazine-2-carboxamide) is a novel low molecular weight antiviral compound. It has shown activity against many types of RNA viruses (all strains of influenza А, В, С, arenovirus, bunyavirus, flavivirus, alphavirus, norovirus,as well as the Zika, Usutu,and Ebola viruses). The generally good tolerance of human patients to favipiravir and the high barrier to the development of resistant viral strains indicate that this drug holds great promise for clinical use around the world. It should be noted that a representative of the Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical company from China has anounced that this company has received marketing authorization from the Chinese government for favipiravir as a possible medication against the coronavirus causing Covid-19.
Favipiravir was first synthesized in 2000 by a route consisting of seven steps. The starting material was 3-aminopyrazine-2-carboxylic acid. The amination step was catalyzed by a costly (S)-(–)-2,2'-bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,1'-binaphthyl ((S)-BINAP), fluorination required using the highly corrosive Olah reagent, while the overall reaction yield was approximately 0.44%.
Improved methodologies for the synthesis of favipiravir have been reported in recent years. In particular, a fourstep method enabled the synthesis of favipiravir from commercially available 3-hydroxypyrazine-2-carboxylic acid, which was subjected to esterification and amidation. The nitration of pyrazine ring was followed by reduction of the nitro group in the presence of Raney nickel, allowing to minimize the amount of byproducts. After the replacement of amino group with a fluorine atom, the overall yield of the target product 1 was 8%.
Edoxaban versus Warfarin in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
Edoxaban is a direct oral factor Xa inhibitor with proven antithrombotic effects. The long-term efficacy and safety of edoxaban as compared with warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation is not known.
We conducted a randomized, double-blind, double-dummy trial comparing two once-daily regimens of edoxaban with warfarin in 21,105 patients with moderate-to-high-risk atrial fibrillation (median follow-up, 2.8 years). The primary efficacy end point was stroke or systemic embolism. Each edoxaban regimen was tested for noninferiority to warfarin during the treatment period. The principal safety end point was major bleeding.
The annualized rate of the primary end point during treatment was 1.50% with warfarin (median time in the therapeutic range, 68.4%), as compared with 1.18% with high-dose edoxaban (hazard ratio, 0.79; 97.5% confidence interval [CI], 0.63 to 0.99; P<0.001 for noninferiority) and 1.61% with low-dose edoxaban (hazard ratio, 1.07; 97.5% CI, 0.87 to 1.31; P=0.005 for noninferiority). In the intention-to-treat analysis, there was a trend favoring high-dose edoxaban versus warfarin (hazard ratio, 0.87; 97.5% CI, 0.73 to 1.04; P=0.08) and an unfavorable trend with low-dose edoxaban versus warfarin (hazard ratio, 1.13; 97.5% CI, 0.96 to 1.34; P=0.10). The annualized rate of major bleeding was 3.43% with warfarin versus 2.75% with high-dose edoxaban (hazard ratio, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.71 to 0.91; P<0.001) and 1.61% with low-dose edoxaban (hazard ratio, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.41 to 0.55; P<0.001). The corresponding annualized rates of death from cardiovascular causes were 3.17% versus 2.74% (hazard ratio, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.77 to 0.97; P=0.01), and 2.71% (hazard ratio, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.76 to 0.96; P=0.008), and the corresponding rates of the key secondary end point (a composite of stroke, systemic embolism, or death from cardiovascular causes) were 4.43% versus 3.85% (hazard ratio, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.78 to 0.96; P=0.005), and 4.23% (hazard ratio, 0.95; 95% CI, 0.86 to 1.05; P=0.32).
Both once-daily regimens of edoxaban were noninferior to warfarin with respect to the prevention of stroke or systemic embolism and were associated with significantly lower rates of bleeding and death from cardiovascular causes. (Funded by Daiichi Sankyo Pharma Development; ENGAGE AF-TIMI 48 number, NCT00781391. opens in new tab.)
Nicotinamide riboside Chemical Properties,Uses,Production
Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) is a next-generation vitamin B3 that has been found to be naturally-occurring in milk in trace amounts. The metabolism of NR is unique from that of other more commonly known forms of vitamin B3 , nicotinamide and nicotinic acid. Specifically, NR has been shown in a pre-clinical study to be the most effective form of vitamin B3 at increasing nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)2 .
Nicotinic acid (also known as niacin) and nicotinamide (also known as niacinamide) were discovered in the 1930’s to be the factors that cured pellagra . Niacin is known to cause severe flushing . In 2004, nicotinamide riboside emerged as a newly discovered NAD+ precursor and does not bind to the receptor responsible for flushing.
NR has pre-clinically demonstrated that it is superior to both niacin and nicotinamide, both of which are standard forms of vitamin B3 commonly used in vitamin supplements and foods, at boosting NAD+2 . This is due to the fact that NR is not reliant upon a conversion step requiring the enzyme “NAMPT” , see Figure below. The activity level of NAMPT determines the amount of nicotinamide that is converted into NAD+ , which is why this particular step in the process is often referred to as the “rate limiting step”. As normal aging occurs, the activity of NAMPT is thought to decrease. NR can be used by the cell to make NAD+ without this enzymatic step.
Chemical Properties of Nicotinamide
Nicotinamide riboside (NR) is part of the B3 vitamin family. Like other forms of vitamin B3, nicotinamide riboside gets converted into nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), a coenzyme essential for life. For this reason, it is often called a NAD+ precursor because it is part of the series of chemical steps that are required to create NAD+.
Different biosynthetic pathways are responsible for converting the different B3 vitamins into NAD+. The enzyme nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (Nampt) catalyzes the rate-limiting step of the two-step pathway converting nicotinamide to NAD+. NR kinase enzymes can also function as a salvage pathway for NAD+, but this pathway is not essential.

Nicotinamide Riboside can be used in biological study of gene circadian reprogramming transcriptome in liver identified metabolic pathways of aging in mouse. It also increases NAD+ in the cerebral cortex and reduces cognitive deterioration in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease.
ChEBI: A pyridine nucleoside consisting of nicotinamide with a beta-D-ribofuranosyl moiety at the 1-position.
Nicotinamide riboside (NR) is one of the viable natural precursors for the biosynthesis of NAD+ via two alternative pathways involving the purine nucleoside phosphorylase or the nicotinamide riboside kinase enzymes. Therapeutic benefits of nicotinamide riboside supplementation:
Constant dietary supplementation of nicotinamide riboside has been shown to increase the NAD+ levels in middle aged to elderly people.
It may support mitochondrial function.
It may enhance memory and combat cognitive decline.
It might lengthen your life.
It might promote muscle quality and strength.
It might counter the effects of a high-fat diet.
In 2016 NR received the GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status from the FDA. NR also demonstrated the potential to slow aging processes in mice models.

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  How to Choose a Cutting Mat & Select the Correct Mat for Cutting
Posté par : DFDVX187 - 14-11-2022, - Forum : Présentez-vous... - Pas de réponse

How to Choose a Cutting Mat & Select the Correct Mat for Cutting Application
Cutting mat selection -what to look for when selecting a quality cutting mat:
Cutting mat questions:
Is the cutting mat self healing?
Cutting mats that are self healing are preferable, but some thick single ply cutting mats work well for extra large mats.
What is the thickness of the cutting mat? You want a cutting mat that is 3mm or thicker. Thinner cutting mats are not as durable. The thinner cutting mats have more of a plastic feel to them, and most are not a suitable mat to cut with using a straight blade knife. The mats thinner than 3mm can be cut through with a straight blade.
How many plies of material is the cutting mat made of, and how thick are each of the cutting mats plies? Look for cutting mats that are at least 3 ply’s thick. The outer plies of the cutting mat should not be too thin, and the inner ply of the mat should be thick. A thick inner cutting mat ply helps prevent mat cut through and prolongs the life of cutting blades.
What is the cutting mat surface texture and is there a glare? A cutting mat should have a non glare surface. A reflective mat surface makes it harder to see the material being cut. The cutting mat surface texture should be a medium tooth. Too smooth a cutting mat surface, and the material being cut may slip. Too textured cutting mat surface will make straight cuts difficult.
What type of grid does the cutting mat have? Look for a cutting mat that is fully graduated (numbered) on all 4 sides of the mat. If the cutting mat has hash marks the hashes should extend past the boarder of the cutting mat grid.
What type of cutting tools is going to be used on the mat? Choose a cutting mat that can be used with both a rotary knife and a straight blade hobby knife. The 2mm mats and thinner do not hold up well with a straight blade knife. The mats are too thin.
We offer a complete selection of cutting mats. All are mats are suitable for cutting on using straight knives or rotary cutting knives. There are two basic choices we offer in cutting mats Self Healing multi ply mats available up to 4 X 8 foot in size and our large cutting mats single ply extra thick up to 6 X 12 foot in size. Click here to see our complete selection of cutting mats - Cutting Mats Self-healing and Cutting Mats Large
Benefits and Uses of Plier Clamps
Regardless of what industry one is working in, there are just some things that our fingers cannot grasp and our strength is just too weak to get the job done. Sometimes we need help of tools such as plier clamps to get a firm, strong grip on materials. Plier clamps, also known as squeeze action clamps, manual toggle clamps, or portable clamps, are used to firmly grasp objects. Common uses of plier clamps include:

  • Welding

  • Bending

  • Compressing
Plier clamps from Lapeer Manufacturing are offered in a variety of depths, jaw openings, or spindle options. All plier clamps have the option of being equipped with an unlocking lever. Which allows the clamp to be release easily with just one hand.
Uses of Plier Clamps and Why choose plier clamps?
The versatility of using plier clamps is one of their key benefits. While grasping the handle you can easily maneuver the object being held as if you were holding in your own hand. This allows for precisions while welding, bending, or compressing objects. No need to worry about plier clamps losing their grip, Lapeer Manufacturing’s plier clamps are the best at providing a secure grip until handles are pulled apart or the unlocking lever is released.
Lapeer Manufacturing offers plier clamps superior to other brands. Their ability to hand high heat due to their forged steel alloy clamps attracts many, as well as their superior strength. With a large selection of sizes, plier clamps are offered for any application, holding a max capacity of up to 2400 lbs.
Varients of plier clamps available at Lapeer Manufacturing include, but are not limited to:
  • Dual spindle pliers

  • Drop jaw dual spindle pliers

  • Drop jaw plier clamps

  • Extended plier clamps

  • Drop jaw extended plier clamps
Handsaws Can Still Come In Handy
Power saws have become standard equipment for many active do-it-yourselfers, but most can still make good use of a handsaw or two. For example, I own eight different types of power saws, but I still reach for a handsaw for many sawing jobs.
Handsaws are especially useful for those who do an occasional home-repair or woodworking project but have little tool-storage space.
Fortunately, handsaw-makers haven`t let the proliferation of power saws keep them from improving their products. One of the newer designs has oversize teeth that cut on both the forward and reverse strokes, resulting in faster cutting than most saws, which generally cut only on forward strokes.
One fast-cut saw, the Stanley Short Cut, is shaped like a standard saw but is only 18 inches long, making it easy to fit into a toolbox or hang in a tight space. The Short Cut leaves a fairly rough edge, and is best as a utility saw rather than for fine-finish work. I use mine frequently for rough cutoff work and pruning (it gets into places where a bow saw can`t be used). The Short Cut has a specially shaped handle and straight blade back that lets it be used for marking accurate 90-degree and 45-degree cutting lines. Short Cuts sell for about $15 each at many home centers and tool outlets.
Another version of a fast-cut saw, the Wood Eater, is made by Vermont American. Wood Eaters are available in 15-inch (about $10) and 26-inch (about $18) lengths. Both of these Vermont American saws are listed in the new Sears tool catalogue.
Standard handsaws are made with two basic tooth designs - crosscut and rip - and are generally 26 inches long.
Crosscut saws have more tooth points per inch, generally seven to 12, and are designed primarily to cut across grain (cutting to length). The more points per inch, the smoother and slower the saw will cut. Ripsaws usually have fewer teeth, often 5 1/2 per inch, and are designed to cut with the grain of wood (cutting strips).
Most do-it-yourselfers need only one standard handsaw, and a crosscut is the best choice for all-round work since it can be used for crosscutting or ripping. It is extremely difficult to cross-cut well with a ripsaw. A 10-point crosscut gives a relatively smooth cut that will be satisfactory for many projects. For fine-finish work, additional smoothing of cuts by sanding or planing will be needed.
A first-rate crosscut saw can be bought for less than $20.
For safe and accurate hand-sawing, the wood to be cut must be placed on a firm, flat surface at a comfortable sawing height and be firmly held in that position. The best cutting height varies with individuals, but 24 to 30 inches is good for most people.
A work table with built-in clamps, such as Black & Decker`s Workmate, is ideal for hand-sawing. However, many a do-it-yourselfer uses a regular sawhorse or bench and holds the wood with the free hand or a hand and a knee. Make a cutting line on the wood with a pencil, using a try square, combination square or other straight edge as a guide. Saw on the outside of the line.
Hand Drill
hand drill is a manual tool that converts and amplifies circular motion of the crank into circular motion of a drill chuck. Though it has been replaced in most applications by power drills, the hand drill is used by many woodworkers.
The hand drill consists of a cranking handle that turns pinion gears on the main shaft. A chuck at the end of the shaft holds a drill bit. The opposite end of the shaft has a second handle that is held stationary while the chuck turns. The drill bit is selected to cut a hole of a specific width, such as 3/8 inch; the size typically is inscribed on the bit's shaft.
How to Safely Use a Hand Drill
To safely use a hand drill, loosen the chuck and insert the appropriate drill bit, then tighten the chuck. Most hand drills require a special tool to firmly tighten the chuck. Place the bit's tip where you want to cut a hole, making sure the bit is at the same angle as the desired hole. Turn the cranking handle to rotate the bit and drill the hole. With smaller drill bits, be careful not to apply excess pressure on the handle or the bit may bend or break.
How to Maintain a Hand Drill
Hand drills require little maintenance, but can be damaged by improper use, such as using the wrong drill bit or placing excess pressure on the tool. For optimum efficiency, periodically place a drop of light oil on the crank pinions and in the chuck gear.
How Many Different Types Of Tweezers Do You Have In Your Bathroom Drawer?
Do you know what each type of tweezers you own was made for? When it comes to tweezers, you’re probably most familiar with the eyebrow shaping type. But there are actually different types of tweezers all created for different tasks. You shouldn’t be using the same tweezers to remove a splinter as you do to sculpt your brows.
A good tweezer set only needs three types to start: Slanted, curved, and precision. Each one is designed to do a different job. Regine tweezers create all three with expert precision and craftsmanship. Read on to see why these three types are essential for every household and what they’re used for.
These are the type you probably use the most. Cosmetic tweezers can be used for personal grooming tasks like tweezing your brows or even pulling out that stray chin hair you get every now and then (it happens to all of us!).
These tweezers usually have a slanted tip to better work with the natural contours of the face. At Regine, we’ve meticulously studied tweezers for three generations and found that a 25-degree angle tip is perfect for grooming.
With the slant, you can use the perfectly aligned tips for more precise tweezing. We temper our steel two times over to harden the metal and make sure our tweezers never wear out and never dull. The interior of our tweezer’s tips is a hand-etched tip that helps you easily grip and remove the hair. With tips this precise, you’ll grab the one hair you want to remove on the first try, every time. If you want to tweeze a lot of hairs at once, use the flat part of the slant instead of the pointy tip.
Are you someone who loves wearing false lashes? Have you ever been frustrated trying to pick up your lashes with your fingers or with non-curved tweezers? If so, then you need a pair of curved or oblique tipped tweezers. This type of tweezer is made for separating lashes and precise lash application, making the false lash process pleasant rather than frustrating.
With these tweezers, you’ll be able to quickly and easily pick up each eyelash and place it onto your eyelid with great precision. Because of their curve, you won’t need to maneuver your hand awkwardly to put the lashes on. But remember that these tweezers are sharp! You’ll want to be careful with them while you're working around your eye.

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  Cast vs. Blown Film
Posté par : DFDVX187 - 14-11-2022, - Forum : Présentez-vous... - Réponses (4)

Cast vs. Blown Film
Blown filmssometimes referred to as tubular films, are manufactured by extruding molten resin vertically through a circular die. Introducing air through the center of the die creates a bubble. The air drives the bubble upward, and slowly cools the material. Nip rollers flatten the material into a tube that can be reeled for creating bags and pouches, or slit and then reeled as a flat sheet of film. Blown films are pre-stretched by virtue of their manufacturing process.
Cast films are made by extruding melted resin horizontally through a flat die to create a sheet of material that is pinned to a highly polished chilled roller by means of an air curtain or vacuum box. Additional chill rollers quickly cool the film prior to trimming and rolling. Cast films are minimally pre-stretched allowing for improved depth of drawing for thermoforming operations. Typically, cast films have an even distribution of polyolefins due to increased gauge consistency due to the manufacturing process.
What Is An Extruder, And Does Our Company Need One?
To understand what an extruder is, we must first know what the process of extrusion is. Extrusion is when a material, usually pellets, dry powder, rubber, plastic, metal bar stock or even food is heated and pushed through a die. A die is essentially a mold that shapes the material as it is forced through the small opening to the other side. It’s one of the most common ways to produce sheets and strips of stock metal, plastic and rubber shapes.
An extruder is simply the machine used to complete the extrusion process. Using a system of barrels and cylinders, the machine heats up the product and propels it through the die to create the desired shape.
Extruders can be used to create a wide variety of usable products by shaping various materials. For example, our breakfast cereals and pre-formed snacks are often made using food extruders, which use uniform, controlled pressure and temperature to create the near-identical pieces we pour into our bowls each morning.
Pet food and treats are created with food extruders for the same reason — to create a high level of consistency and quality in the meals we feed our furry family members. The Bonnot Company’s food forming extruders can be used as standalone applications or be combined with a cooking extruder for unitized cooking and cooling.
For many industries, catalyst extruder machines are used to create catalysts such as high aluminas, gels, kaolin carriers, molecular sieves and more. Whether your company requires minute pellets, solid rods, unsupported rings or another catalyst configuration, Bonnot has the extruder that can get the job done.
Rubber bales can also be extruded for a variety of purposes. For instance, rubber extruders can create extruded hydrogels, which are used to create everything from contact lenses to replacement cartilage. A rubber extruder from The Bonnot Company can break down the large, tacky bales without the use of talc or special chemicals.
Extrusion equipment is even used to create the materials that keep the air and water in our homes purified. Vacuum extruders, which were originally used in the clay industry to de-air their products, are now used to create activated carbon. The extruder de-airs the carbon to increase its adsorptive properties and prepare it for use for any number of air and water purification applications. Bonnot has worked with virtually every base material available, not just activated carbon, and can use our expertise to demonstrate how this extrusion process could work for you in our test facility.
While these are some of the most common types of extrusion supported by The Bonnot Company, other extrusion equipment manufacturers may specialized in extruders for other materials, such as plastics, clay, aluminum or other metals. For example, plastic extruders can be used to create PVC pipe. As you can see, the types of extrusion equipment and their uses are widely varied.
In short, no. First of all, many devices that are technically extruders are meant for individual, personal use and must be operated by hand. Manufacturers, however, will generally require much larger, more sophisticated industrial extruders. It all depends on the scope of your operation and the standards of your industry.
As with any other type of machinery, there are a wide variety of industrial extruders available, and each one is intended for a particular purpose or set of purposes. Some are designed to also serve a specific niche function, such as de-airing a material, de-watering it or pelletizing it.
Capacity is another differentiating factor. For large batches and maximum capacity, a company may need the High Volume Production Extruder (Terrier), for example. Meanwhile, a company that specializes in research and development would probably do well with low-volume Lab Extruders for producing and testing their products in small batches. Another company may need an entirely different solution.
What you need depends on the applications, volumes, shapes and materials required to get the job done.
Cast film extrusion covers wide range of markets
Production of cast film is a continuous process where a thermoplastic material is extruded from a slot die onto a chill roll, quenched, and wound.
The resulting film has machine direction orientation compared to a somewhat limited bidirectional orientation achieved in blown film processing. Cast film extrusion, because of the high speed and output, can be limited to dedicated applications such as lamination web, printed packaging film, and a growing market- stretch wrap.
In recent years, the ongoing move toward automatic wrapping of pallets has shown a steady increase in demand for stretch-wrap film. Due to its processing advantages, cast film today dominates the market in this sector. Equipment producers offer high-speed cast film lines for the manufacture of coextruded linear low-density PE-based films with up to nine layers. Coextrusion also allows downgauging to save raw materials costs. The processor can also manufacture a product where he determines the level and location of cling-on the inside, outside, or on both sides. Agricultural wrapping films as well as stretch film for manual wrapping applications can also be extruded on cast film lines. Another interesting market possibility is food-wrapping film, normally a blend of LDPE and LLDPE.
In October 2004, the German processor Orbita Film (Weissandt Gölzau) started production with a new, fully automated five-layer stretch cast film line supplied by Austrian machine producer SML Maschinengesellschaft (Lenzing). It has an output of 2250 kg/h and production speed of 600 m/min. This line can increase a processor''s output from 100,000 to 112,000 tonnes/yr.
Cast film is traditionally produced in either polyethylene (PE) or polypropylene but can also include EVOH and/or nylon for barrier in multilayer materials. It is not limited to these resins. Materials can also be vinyl, or polyester, although PE offers the best economies of scale. In 2004, the stretch-wrap market in Europe showed 5% to 7% growth with an annual production quantity of about 1 million tonnes. This market is divided into 40% hand wrap, 48% machine wrap, and 12% power stretch. These applications generally cover a thickness range from 12 to 50 µm.
Film layer structure is moving toward more uniformity. Europe has traditionally stuck to three-layer stretch-wrap structures, while in North America five to seven layers dominate. Market observers say five-layer lines may be becoming the global norm. Multiple layers also offer a plywood effect said to provide better strength and bonding power.
Processors also are headed toward a more unified approach to resins used. North American processors have traditionally processed cheaper butene (C4) LLDPE with a blend of hexene (C6) to get the right stretch retention, clarity for barcode reading, as well as gloss and cling-all at low prices. European processors tend to concentrate on octene (C8), very low-, ultralow-density PE, and metallocene (mPE) grades.
But some processors say there aren''t substantial benefits to using expensive mPE today compared to new C8 grades. Also mPE tends to cut poorly. Alternatives are coming onto the market that offer processors property benefits as well as lower costs. One such product is a recently introduced super hexene LLDPE grade for Super Power stretch (270-350% prestretch used to machine-wrap odd-shaped objects). It gives the mechanical performance of C8 and mPE grades, but better processability than metallocene and at lower costs.
Another growth market is cast polypropylene (CPP), which is finding a niche as competition to biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) film. The equipment investment for CPP is substantially less than the machinery needed for tenter frame-processed BOPP.
What Are The Characteristics Of Film Blowing Machine
Basic characteristics
The group is suitable for blown polyethylene (LDPE), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and linear (LLDPE) plastic films. It is widely used in fruits and foods, clothing, textiles, strain cultivation, daily necessities, etc. package.
Design Features
The film blowing machine is mainly composed of an extruder, a die head, a die head, a cooling device, a foam stabilizer, a herringbone plate, a traction roller, a winding device and the like.
The extruder is mainly composed of a screw, a barrel, a hopper, a reducer and a drive motor; a belt-driven reducer drives the screw to rotate in the barrel; the screw adopts a special structure, that is, a certain section of the screw is equipped with a special The mixing device relies on the surrounding plastics to support and center when working. The axial force of the screw shaft is borne by the 7310 or 7614 bearing installed between the reducer and the screw. It is sent away between the screw grooves to ensure the conveying capacity and stable extrusion quality.
The machine head is composed of three parts: filter screen, filter plate and machine head gland. In order to adapt to the production of plastic materials containing more impurities, the unit adopts a right-angle machine head structure with a large filtering area. At the same time, high pressure, low pressure, and mixing are considered. The material and reclaimed material have a large power viscosity, a reasonable choice of the material flow channel design, and the use of an extruder drive motor to extrude the filter plate, so it can adapt to a separate screen change operation.
Die head
The die head adopts advanced spiral die head structure. Based on the special characteristics of high pressure, low pressure, mixed material, and recycled polyethylene materials, the spiral angle, backslope angle, setting angle length, and die opening are designed. The parameters are selected and optimized through multiple comparative tests. It has the advantages of large internal pressure, stable and uniform extrusion, good film strength performance, and good matching of the non-sewn line with the extruder of the unit. At the same time, exchange of high and low pressure polyethylene and blending It is not necessary to replace the die head when blowing film production with the ratio of raw materials and recycled materials; various die heads can be prepared according to user needs, and the replacement operation can be completed by one person, which is simple, safe, convenient and fast.
Cooling device
Composed of cooling air ring, blower, etc. The cooling air ring is an externally cooled adjustable air ring, which can adjust the opening degree of the inlet air outlet, which is convenient to operate and is beneficial to the control of film thickness and uniformity.
Stable bubble stand
This unit adopts adjustable ring and fixed rod structure to stabilize the bubble holder, which has a large adjustment range, convenient operation and adjustment, stable bubble tube, and creates conditions for the coiling tube to be flat.
Traction auxiliary machine
The traction auxiliary machine is composed of traction frame, herringbone, traction roller, winding mechanism and traction motor. The traction motor of this unit adopts an electromagnetic slip motor, which drives the two pairs of traction rollers through the deceleration part, and at the same time drives the winding. machine. The herringbone is fixed on the fixed frame under the traction roller. The angle can be adjusted freely according to the thickness of the blown film. The two pairs of traction rollers are composed of rubber rollers and steel rollers, which can effectively prevent gas from leaking out and ensure coiling. Smooth progress, the traction frame adopts the assembled structure, which is convenient for disassembly and assembly, which is conducive to transportation and loading and unloading. The winding device adopts an effective winding mechanism with constant tension. The device drives the friction plate by the sprocket, the large gear by the friction plate, and then the winding shaft, thereby ensuring that the winding diameter changes from small to large. The size can be controlled by adjusting the spring force.
Air compression
The compressed air output from the air compressor and the storage tank enter the spiral mandrel hole of the die through the outlet valve of the storage tank. The die head is equipped with a pressure regulating valve. The gas volume and pressure are adjusted according to the size of the product. Tube-shaped, blown extruded plastic into a bubble-shaped film.
Electrical Control
Electrical control is equipped with a unit operation cabinet. The main power button is connected to the main power and the motor switch is turned on. The electric heating of the fuselage, tee, and die can be controlled by push button switches. The key parts adopt thermocouple automatic temperature measurement and automatic temperature controller. During normal production, the temperature can be automatically controlled to ensure the stable production process. reliable.
Step-By-Step Multi-Wall Paper Bag Manufacturing Process
Multi-wall paper bags are used to transport and store dry flowable bulk materials. The paper shipping sack originated over a century ago. Today billions of units are produced and filled each year. Variations of the industrial paper bag include the pasted valve bag, pinch bottom open mouth bag, self opening satchel bag, and the sewn open mouth bag.
There are two basic types of paper bag: Open Mouth and Valve. An open mouth bag is a tube of paper plies with the bottom end sealed. The bag is filled through the open mouth and then closed by stitching, adhesive, or tape. Valve bags have both ends closed (pasted) and are filled through a valve.
Multi-wall bags are made up of 2-6 layers (plies) of paper and film. Paper plies are generally kraft or extensible paper. For bags requiring moisture or grease protection, a layer of plastic film may be added to the paper plies. The paper itself can also be coated with a thin layer of film.
The following information demonstrates the basic steps in manufacturing a multi-wall paper bag.
Step 1: Printing
Flexographic Printing - A flexographic press uses photopolymer plates, either digital or conventional, mounted on a printing cylinder.
This process uses very fluid, fast drying solvent or water-based inks. It is especially adaptable to high speed, low cost, in-line printing.
Step 2: Tubing
The initial production of a paper bag occurs on a tuber, a machine which takes several rolls of paper and other materials and combines them over a rigid former into a flat or gusseted tube (a tube with creases or folds in the sides not found in flat tube bags), bonded together with adhesives. Tuber speeds typically run from 150 to 250 feet per minute.
Step 3: Bottoming
The tubes are then taken to the bottom-forming operation as required by the particular specification of bag they will become. The tubes are placed in bundles on automatic feeders which deliver them one at a time at speeds of 30 to 50 bags per minute.
The valve bag is pasted closed at both ends during manufacture with only a corner opening or valve at one end, through which the bag is filled.
Step 4: Palletizing/Drying
Finished bags travel through a metal detector to assure the absence of contaminants. Bags are then palletized and dried prior to final shipment.

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  Polyester Film
Posté par : DFDVX187 - 14-11-2022, - Forum : Présentez-vous... - Réponses (4)

Polyester Film
Polyester (PET) film is a versatile plastic widely used in many applications. PET materials exhibit good chemical resistance and are tough and durable when compared to other commodity resins with similar performances and price ranges. This material can also be die cut or laser cut to efficiently create products with consistent designs.
The dimensional stability of polyester film allows it to be used in numerous applications, including face shields, laminates, membrane circuitry, electronic insulation, carrier films, and a variety of graphic arts applications.
Specific polyester films can be made to be FDA approved. This characteristic provides a tremendous benefit for applications such as face shields that are used in areas where sterilization and cleanliness is vital.
Most readily produced in gauges from 48 (1/2 mil) to .014, PET film is available as print treated on one or two sides for easy printability, slip treated for ease of handling, and in options such as super clear, clear, hazy and white depending on your particular needs.
Piedmont Plastics carries a variety of film products in varying grades, textures, and transparencies in over 48 locations across North America. Contact us today to discuss your polyester film needs and our dedicated film specialists will help you select the right solution for your application.
Polypropylene Films
Polypropylene or PP is a low cost thermoplastic of high clarity, high gloss and good tensile strength. It has a higher melting point than PE, which makes it suitable for applications that require sterilization at high temperatures. It also has less haze and higher gloss. Generally, the heat-sealing properties of PP are not as good as those of LDPE. LDPE also has better tear strength and low temperature impact resistance.
PP can be metallized which results in improved gas barrier properties for demanding applications where long product shelf life is important. PP films are well suited for a broad range of industrial, consumer, and automotive applications.
PP is fully recyclable and can be easily reprocessed into many other products for many different applications. However, unlike paper and other cellulose products, PP is not biodegradable. On the upside, PP waste does not produce toxic or harmful by-products.
The two most important types are cast unoriented polypropylene (CPP) and biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP). Both types have high gloss, exceptional optics, good or excellent heat-sealing performance, better heat resistance than PE, and good moisture barrier properties.
Cast Polypropylene Films (CPP)
Cast unoriented Polypropylene (CPP) generally finds fewer applications than biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP). However, CPP has been steadily gaining ground as an excellent choice in many traditional flexible packaging as well as non-packaging applications. The film properties can be customized to meet specific packaging, performance, and processing requirements. In general, CPP has higher tear and impact resistance, better cold temperature performance and heat-sealing properties than BOPP.
Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Films (BOPP)
Biaxially oriented polypropylene or BOPP1 is the most important polypropylene film. It is an excellent alternative to cellophane, waxed paper, and aluminum foil. The orientation increases tensile strength and stiffness, lowers elongation (harder to stretch), and improves the optical properties, and somewhat improves vapor barrier properties. In general, BOPP has higher tensile strength, higher modulus (stiffness), lower elongation, better gas barrier, and lower haze than CPP.
PP film is used for many common packaging applications such as cigarette, candy, snack and food wraps. It also can be used for shrink wrap, tape liners, diapers and sterile wrap used in medical applications. Because PP has only average gas barrier properties, it often is coated with other polymers such as PVDC or acrylic which greatly improves its gas barrier properties.
Due to the low odor, high chemical resistance and inertness, many PP grades are suitable for packaging applications under FDA regulations.
Product of the Day: Ultra-high-barrier metallized BOPP film
Torayfan PC5 metallized BOPP film is a versatile ultra-high oxygen- and moisture- barrier film that can be used in tri-laminations, as a foil replacement, and as an overwrap lamination or wrapper. It’s a durable, cost-effective replacement for foil in a typical paper/PE/foil/PE packaging structure. In addition, it is ideally suited for use as the inner barrier web of a tri-lamination in gas-flushed stand-up or flat pouches. It can also be used as a cold-seal layer and as part of a lamination for high-quality confectionery wrappers and bakery overwraps.
Advanced PC5 metallized OPP film is designed with an ultra-high-barrier layer resistant to crazing on one side. The other side is corona treated for excellent bond strength in cold-seal adhesive applications and in extrusion and adhesive 3-ply laminations. With its guaranteed protection against oxygen and moisture in gas-flushed applications, PC5 film ensures that food manufacturers’ products will stay fresh throughout shelf life and brand integrity will be maintained. PC5 OPP film is available in 60 gauge (15 um) and is designed to run on HFFS and VFFS packaging equipment.
End users and converters can now specify that Torayfan PC5 film be used as the barrier layer in laminations for a vast array of packaging applications, including cookies, snacks, specialty food items, dried fruits, pet food, powdered hot chocolate and cheese, spices, cough drops, and more.
Toray Plastics (America), Inc., is a major manufacturer of polyester, polypropylene, bio-based, and metallized films for flexible and rigid packaging, lidding, graphic, industrial, optical, and electronic applications. TPA is a subsidiary of Toray Industries, Inc., the world leader in synthetic fibers and textiles, carbon fibers, plastics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and high-performance films, which has annual sales exceeding US$19 billion.
BOPP and BOPET Film Market
BOPP and BOPET films demand stood at 6.54 Million Tonnes in 2020 and is anticipated to reach 11.27 Million Tonnes by 2030, growing at a healthy CAGR of 5.62% until 2030. BOPP and BOPET films market is projected to grow at a steady CAGR in the forecast period due to the rise in the packaging industry. The high demand to replace the traditional packaging types including metal cans and cartons coupled with the shift in consumer preference for convenient and light packaging is the major driver for the forecast period. BOPP and BOPET films are specialty films that are used in various sectors such as packaging, industrial, electrical and electronics, food, beverage, pharmaceutical and medical, and personal care. BOPP films (Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Films) and BOPET films (Biaxially Oriented polyethylene terephthalate) are the polyester films that are majorly used for packaging, labeling, and lamination. These films are majorly used in electrical and electronics, pharmaceutical and medical and personal care. BOPP films are used in food packaging and replacing cellophane films which were earlier used in tobacco and snack packing owing to low cost and desired characteristics. These films have also been used in pharmaceutical and medical sector due to its cost-effectiveness, gas barrier property, and its mechanical and optical properties. BOPP and BOPET films are classified by type including wraps, tapes, labels, bags & pouches under which wraps hold the largest market globally. These films have also been classified by the thickness of the film i.e., below 15 microns, 15-30 microns, 30-45 microns, and more than 45 microns. The two films are produced by the tenter and tubular production process. Moreover, the major driving factor for the demand of films is packaging, labeling, and lamination. Among different regions, the APAC region dominated the overall market for BOPP and BOPET film. India and China are the major markets for the BOPP and BOPET film due to the increasing population and rising e-commerce activities. The rising per capita income in the region with the increasing per capita consumption contributed to the demand for BOPP and BOPET films. Some of the major key players operating in the global BOPP and BOPET film market are Cosmo Films Limited, Taghleef Industries, CCL Industries, Jindal Poly Films, Sibur Holdings, Zhejiang Kinlead Innovative Materials, Inteplast Group, Poligal S.A, Uflex Ltd, Polinas, Polibak, Toray Industries, etc.
Creative Process for the High-Barrier Metalized Films
Metalized films are good quality polymer films layered with a skinny layer of metal, generally aluminum. These films are given a glossy metallic appearance like that of aluminum foils but at lower weight and reduced prices. Metalized films are broadly used for food packaging and decorative purposes and also for special applications including electronics and insulation.
Metalized films are best suitable for flexible holograms and lamination. Although, the most wide known application of the product comprises twist wraps for toffees or candies. Metallic films are produced via micro slitting process for ensuring uniform coating and consistent weight.
Metallization is achieved using physical vapor deposition process. Aluminum is the main metal for deposition; however other metals like chromium or nickel are also used. Metals are heated and dissolved under vacuum. This concentrates on cold polymer films, which is unwind next to metal vapor source. Such coatings do not fade over time.
These films are essentially impassable by oxygen and moisture. But, when the packs made with these foils are subjected to repeated handling and manipulation that are frequent with cartooning, manufacturing, consumer handling and shelf stocking in retail environment, they develop pinholes and develop permeable.
These films have a shiny silvery surface like the aluminum foils. The coating provided also shrinks the ability of the films to expose to oxygen, light, and water. The features of the film stay, such as high toughness, the capacity to preserve heat, and low density at lower cost when compared to aluminum foils. This provides metalized films numerous benefits over aluminum foil laminates and aluminum foils. It was opined that metalized films could become a substitute for aluminum foil laminate, however current films still do not match the barrier features of aluminum foils. There are certain metalized films with very high barrier properties that use EVOH, but they are not so much cost effective as foil laminates.

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  What is a Skiving Machine?
Posté par : DFDVX187 - 14-11-2022, - Forum : Présentez-vous... - Réponses (4)

What is a Skiving Machine?
skiving machine is used in an industrial setting to cut or shave the edge of a moving strip of material into a desired shape or to create cross-sections of stock. Also called scarfing machines, skiving machines are commonly used in applications where uniform sizes and shapes are needed but are not obtainable using other manufacturing processes, such as cold rolling. Although skiving machines are most commonly used in the process of metalworking, they also see a significant amount of use in the edge shaping of leather and similar materials.
The process of using a skiving machine is called skiving or skivetek. Using a tungsten carbide blade, the skiving machine can cut metal and other materials with greater precision than many machine tools. Advances in the technology used in skiving machine parts has made these machine tools easier to use by introducing a floating blade system that moves both the blade and the material to achieve uniform sized cuts, rather than the older style machines that required careful adjustments of the stock to the blade to achieve the same effect.
Advances in the technology used in modern skiving processes have also made it possible to plane metal and other materials at slower speeds than were attainable in the past. Using vibration to simulate an increase in speed of the moving stock, the modern skiving machine is able to cut materials that would not have been possible in early machine tool shops. This ability to cut metal at a slower speed makes it possible to utilize the skiving machine in conjunction with low-speed welding on assembly lines.
Skiving machines are commonly used in the manufacture of automobile parts, including seat belt springs and hose clamps. These machines are also used to bevel the edges of metals used in the manufacture of pipes and tubing. This beveling allows the tubing product to be seam-welded in a way that avoids pinholes in the final product.
The electronic supply industry uses the skiving machine to create highly effective heat sinks. The skiving machine's cutting abilities are why these heat sinks can be made from a single piece of metal, thus allowing the heat sinks to transfer and dissipate heat more effectively. The process of skiving leaves the fins of the heat sink with a roughened texture that creates a greater surface area and further enhances heat dispersal.
Skived Heat Sinks
Skived copper heat sinks offer the maximum heat dissipation in applications that have high airflow and small space. The thermal conductivity of copper (~400 W/m-K) is the highest among all the commercial metals, and the skiving technology allows the heat sinks to have very thin fins, high aspect ratio and high fin density. Because the fins are an integral part of the base, skived copper heat sinks provide the best possible thermal conductivity between the fins and the base. When optimized to specific applications, skived copper heat sinks offer outstanding performance over any other thermal solutions within the small space. In some applications, the skiving technology is also the most cost-effective and reliable method of producing heat sinks that meet high thermal demands.Skived heat sinks are manufactured by peeling fins from a bar of solid copper or aluminum, using a sharp and accurately controlled blade tool. The tool shaves a small thickness of the material, lifts it up and bends it vertically to form the fin. The final heat sink can be machined using normal fabrication techniques, such as CNC machining. Skived heat sinks require minimal tooling cost, which makes it a cost effective solution. Skived heat sinks can also be customized with embedded heat pipes to further improve performance.
Features and Benefits

  • Very thin fins and very high fin density

  • Maximum heat dissipation under forced convection (with high airflow)

  • No interface joint (or thermal resistance) between the fins and base

  • Very high aspect ratio (up to 50)

  • Minimal tooling cost

  • Short lead time

  • Can have embedded heat pipes to further boost performance

  • Anti-oxidation surface treatment helps extend serving time
Applications of Skived Heat Sinks
Skived copper heat sinks deliver maximum heat dissipation in applications with limited space and high levels of ventilation. They are a cost effective solution when considering the low tooling cost and the optimized fin surface area.
Skived fin heat sinks are commonly found in the following applications:
  • Computers and electronic components

  • Telecommunication equipment

  • Industrial equipment and components

  • Lighting lamps and household appliances industry

  • Automotive components
Design Guidelines
The following parameters are the limitation and/or recommended values for skived heat sinks with high quality and low cost.
  • Material: Copper (C11000) or Aluminum (6063/1060)

  • Maximum width: unlimited

  • Maximum fin length: 500 mm (20″)

  • Maximum fin height: 100 mm (4”)

  • Recommended fin height: <50 mm (2”)

  • Recommended thickness for aluminum fins: 0.2-1.2 mm (0.008-0.047”)

  • Recommended thickness for copper fins: 0.1-0.6 mm (0.004-0.024”)

  • Minimum fin spacing (gap): 0.1 mm (0.004”)

  • Maximum fin spacing (gap): 8.0 mm (0.31”)
Hydraulic Hose Fittings: Skived vs Non-Skived
Special attention must be given to hose assemblies. The two preparation options to choose from are skiving or non-skiving a hydraulic hose.
SKIVING Skiving a hydraulic hose is the process of using special equipment and tooling to shave a predetermined depth of the OD and ID of the hose. Some medium pressure hose fittings require only external skiving (or single skive) in order for the ferrule and hose fitting to mate correctly.
Higher pressure hose applications may require internal and external skiving. Skiving a hydraulic hose ensures a metal to metal connection between the hose fitting and hose, resulting in a highly reliable connection.
Skiving lets the ferrule of the hose fitting assembly bite into the wire braiding of the hose instead of just crimping to the outside diameter (OD) of the hose cover. If the hose is not skived the thread of the ferrule is forced into the hose cover, biting into the rubber, which could result in a less reliable connection. Once the assembly has been set, it is essential to correctly crimp the fitting onto the hose using the hose fitting manufacturers’ crimp specifications. Look for fitting manufacturers that can provide crimp specifications for multiple hose manufacturers. If the fitting manufacturer does not provide the crimp specs for a specific hose the installer must make an adjustment. In these cases it is critical that high pressure hoses are pressure tested to ensure the installation is accurate and secure.
NON SKIVING Non-skiving is when the hose and fitting connection is designed ready to assemble without the skiving process, with no removal material from the hose. If the hose is not skived the thread of the ferrule is forced into the hose cover, biting into the rubber, which could result in a less reliable connection.
Understanding Heat Sinks: Functions, Types, & More
Heat sinks
Heat sinks are one of the most common forms of thermal management in technology, machinery, and even in natural systems. These components are so ubiquitous that they're easy to overlook, even by those who are familiar with the technology. We'll address the basic working principles involved in heat sinks, introduce active and passive heat sink configurations, and discuss how some users implement heat sinks in their applications.
What is a Heat Sink?
A heat sink is a component that increases the heat flow away from a hot device. It accomplishes this task by increasing the device's working surface area and the amount of low-temperature fluid that moves across its enlarged surface area. Based on each device's configuration, we find a multitude of heat sink aesthetics, design, and ultimate capabilities. You can see a straight fin heat sink in the image at the top of this article and a flared fin heat sink in the image below. Each heat sink is valuable in applications that may have varying:
How Does a Heat Sink Work?
A heat sink works by moving heat away from a critical component. Nearly all heat sinks accomplish this task in four basic steps:
1. The source generates heat. This source may be any system that creates heat and requires the removal of said heat to function correctly, such as:
- Mechanical
- Electrical
- Chemical
- Nuclear
- Solar
- Friction
2. Heat transfers away from the source. Heat pipes can also aid in this process, but we'll cover those components separately. In direct heat sink-contact applications, heat moves into the heat sink and away from the source via natural conduction. The heat sink material's thermal conductivity directly impacts this process. That's why high thermal conductivity materials such as copper and aluminum are most common in the construction of heat sinks.
3. Heat distributes throughout the heat sink. Heat will naturally travel through the heat sink via natural conduction moving across the thermal gradient from a high temperature to a low-temperature environment. This ultimately means that the heat sink's thermal profile will not be consistent. As such, heat sinks will often be hotter towards the source and cooler towards the sink's extremities.
4. Heat moves away from the heat sink. This process relies on the heat sink's temperature gradient and its working fluid―most commonly air or a non-electrically-conductive liquid. The working fluid passes across the surface of the warm heat sink and utilizes thermal diffusion and convection to remove heat away from the surface and into the ambient environment. This stage relies on, yet again, a temperature gradient to remove heat from the heat sink. Therefore, if the ambient temperature is not cooler than the heat sink, no convection and subsequent heat removal will occur. This step is also where the total surface area of the heat sink becomes most advantageous. A large surface area provides an increased area for thermal diffusion and convection to occur.
Copper Heatsink
Copper Heatsink is sometimes used as a heatsink as it is a good conductor of heat. This can be observed if you heat one end of a piece of copper, the other end will quickly reach the same temperature. Copper is used in many heating applications because it doesn't corrode and has a high melting point.
The properties that make a copper heatsink popular include:
  • Good thermal and electrical conductivity

  • Density ~ 0.321 lb/in³

  • Tensile strength of ~ 310 MPa

  • Easy malleability

  • Easy to recycle
Copper heatsink vs. Aluminum heatsink
Copper is an excellent conductor of heat and Radian uses Cu1100 which has a thermal conductivity of ~ 380W/m-K. Despite the excellent thermal properties of a copper heatsinks, aluminum heatsinks are typically used as they weigh approximately half as much as a copper conductor having the same conductivity, and are also less expensive. Although it is possible to machine a copper heatsink this can be fairly inefficient as the tools blunt fairly quickly. Typical manufacturing is by either the forged or skiving process that allow the copper heatsink to made from a single block. Another manufacturing process that is used especially with vapor chambers is the use of stamped copper fins that are soldered or epoxied onto the base. Many of our customers also add an anti-oxidation coating, or nickel plate to maintain the look of the copper heatsinks as they can tarnish over time.

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