Massage Chair Benefits That You Cannot Overlook

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Massage Chair Benefits That You Cannot Overlook

    Today, we will be providing you with a long list of benefits that it brings into your life!

    Protects from Injury

    The process of tension release from muscles is very important for maintaining a consistent fitness level. It is important for us to ensure no harm comes to our body from our daily lives. Whether you are involved in intense physical activity (work related or otherwise) or a regular day job, the process of mitigating lasting damage in muscles and bones is important for us all.

    Massage Chairs deliver us exactly that- helping limbs and body parts free up tension, giving attention to sore areas and allowing greater movement to the individual. The immediate satisfaction one receives from the device is one of its most celebrated points of interest.

    Lightens the Mood

    With the daily pace of life taking its toll on our mental capacities, there is a constant amount of stress and pressure upon individuals that only increases as time goes on, if left unchecked. The process of getting a massage is always a deeply satisfying and pleasurable experience, if done right. The technology that fuels the innovation accounts for the long-lasting impacts a good massage can have on your mental well-being.

    Whether it is mental unease due to work-related or private reasons, a Massage Chair will hardly ever fail to help you create endorphins and serotonin in your brain. Cited as a stress and anxiety buster, it has the means to help an individual take charge of their own life by helping them mitigate the negative side-effects of daily life.


    The act of stimulating muscles generates a fair amount of heat, so it is expected that Massage Chairs warm your body up. This has a positive effect on your skin, which begins to become more active both during and after a session. This acts as a stimulant for the skin to loosen pores, enabling easier cleaning and naturally healthier skin due to presence of lesser impurities.

    The release of toxins and impurities as a result of sweating is highly beneficial and results in a healthier body from within. Moreover, the regeneration rate of cells is greatly increased, offering higher healing potential from scratches, bruises and cuts anywhere on the body. Cell regeneration is a sign of well-being, and massage chairs can greatly improve it.

    Better Breathing

    Our lung capacity is often variable due to the effect that our lifestyles can have upon body. When muscles begin to contract around the lungs usually due to improper posture, the lungs begin to contract in size to adjust themselves in your chest's cavity.

    In order to compensate, your body takes in shorter, faster breaths, thereby reducing lung capacity. With the help of massage chairs, the muscles around your lungs and back can relax, enabling your lungs to fill into your chest cavity properly. This enables you to take in significantly more air than you have been lately.

    This positively impacts your endurance and attentiveness, alongside relieving stress and anxiety caused by the lung contraction process. You can rejuvenate your bodily steadily, in a controlled fashion with Massage Chairs at home or at a therapy session.

    What Makes a Massage Chair “3D”?

        2D massage technology features rollers that travel up and down, from your neck to your mid to lower back. This technology is beneficial for physical and mental health, but 3D technology takes it even further.
        The rollers in a 3D massage chair travel up and down, left and right and in and out, and can press into your back — just like a massage therapist would.
        Since the rollers are able to push in and out, you can adjust the intensity of your massage. This makes 3D massage chairs perfect for homes with multiple users who all have varying intensity preferences.
        How to differentiate between 2D, 3D and 4D Massage Chairs
    When looking for a suitable massage chair, you will come across the terms 2D, 3D and 4D Massage chairs. These terms might seem a bit confusing especially for a first time buyer who is yet to interact with massage chairs.
        If you are as confused as this buyer, then this read will greatly benefit you. I believe that by the end of this blog, all your questions will be answered and it will become much easier for you to choose the right massage chair according to your needs.
        2D Massage Chairs
        2D rollers were the standard before the advancement to 3D rollers and now 4D rollers. When thinking about a 2D massage chair, imagine a traditional back roller massage.
        These massage rollers move in two dimensions, that is, up and down or side to side. This means that the movement is from your neck down to your lower back or across. Although this movement may seem basic, it is effective, feels great and provides much of the benefits of a massage.
        With 2D Massage chairs you get; alleviation of back pain, easing of sore muscles, stress relief and overall improvement of your health. However, it is important to note that 2D rollers only work on surface muscles. If you are looking for an exceptionally deep massage then the 3D and 4D massage chairs will be more suitable.
        3D Massage Chairs
        3D rollers create a more realistic massage experience; they take everything the 2D rollers do to the next level and top them with more features.
        Unlike the 2D rollers that only move up and down or side to side, 3D rollers provide a 3rd dimension of massage. They can move left and right, up and down, and in and out. They can protrude further out from the track and reach places that are typically neglected by the average chair, including the upper neck and shoulder area. These movements help the rollers feel more like a human masseuse and give deep massages.
        Other than that, 3D Massage Chairs allow you to adjust the intensity of the massage according to your needs and preferences. This is especially helpful for those who intend to get a massage chair to be used by multiple users.
        4D Massage Chairs
        Now that you have gotten a gist of what 2D and 3D massage chairs are, let us get into 4D massage chairs. 4D massage chairs are a lot like the 3D models.
        The biggest difference between the two is that with 4D massage chairs, the rollers can speed up or slow down automatically so as to concentrate on specific tense muscles. Additionally, 4D massage chairs use 4D rollers which ensure deeper tissue massages.
    Apart from that, 4D massage chairs give users more control. This means that users can customize their massage sessions without any hustle, and this is made possible by the variety of strength adjustments offered by these massage chairs.

    Things to Look for When Buying A Massage Chair

    There's a lot to consider when you're shopping for a massage chair — What do you want your massage chair to do for you? What's your budget? Where will it live? A high quality massage chair is an important investment, and one that shouldn't be made without some important considerations. Here are 12 key things to look for when buying a massage chair.

    1.) Massage Functions

    Low-end massage chairs usually offer little more than simple vibration and rolling massage. On the other hand, high-end massage chairs offer a wide variety of features to help put you at ease. These features often include, but certainly are not limited to:

    All-inclusive menu of pre-programmed functions

    2D (basic), 3D (adjustable) & 4D (variable) roller intensity

    Heat therapy





    Sound therapy

    Space-saving design



    Zero gravity & inversion therapy

    Of course, the number and quality of these functions will affect the cost of the massage chair — but prioritizing your long-term health is worth the investment!

    2.) Price

    First-time massage chair shoppers might be taken aback when they see the prices of quality massage chairs. It helps to have some context so you don't abandon the search altogether. A premium massage chair, even with the most standard of functions, can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $12,000, with most models sitting somewhere between $3,000 and $7,000. Lots of factors will determine cost, including number of functions, technology, customizability and upholstery, but a good rule of thumb is to pass by chairs that cost less than $1,000 full-price.

    >Related reading:    How Much Should You Spend on a Massage Chair? The Truth Behind the Price

    The most important thing to remember regarding cost is that a massage chair is much more economical than regular visits to a masseuse, not to mention it's more convenient. Regular massage chair use, if enjoyed properly, can also result in long term health benefits that are tough to put a price tag on.

    3.) Massage Areas

    In addition to offering various massage styles, all luxury massage chairs can target areas besides your back. Many full body massage chairs offer a leg and foot massage function, and some chairs can even target the arms and hands. These targeted massage options are usually delivered by air bags, massage heads or rollers spread throughout the chair. Advanced massage chairs can also feature a thumb-like massage head to mimic the therapeutic benefits of a trip to a masseuse.

    Manage Lower Back Pain

    According to the American Chiropractic Association, lower back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide. Approximately one in ten people have it, and for many who develop back pain, it becomes a chronic condition.

    A recent study found that massage may provide lasting relief for chronic lower back pain, according to    research    published in the journal    Pain Medicine. Researchers looked at 104 people with persistent back pain who were referred by their doctors to licensed massage therapists. They went to 10 sessions over 12 weeks, and the practitioners were free to design massage programs that were individual to the patients, rather than all using the same technique.

    Most subjects completed a questionnaire, and more than 50% reported clinically meaningful improvement in their back pain. Several people even dropped below the threshold for disability according to lead author Niki Munk, an assistant professor of health sciences at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. Additionally, many of these improvements lasted. Three months later, with no further massage sessions, 75% of the people who reported initial improvement said they still felt better.
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Massage Chair Benefits That You Cannot Overlook

    Today, we will be providing you with a long list of benefits that it brings into your life!

    Protects from Injury

    The process of tension release from muscles is very important for maintaining a consistent fitness level. It is important for us to ensure no harm comes to our body from our daily lives. Whether you are involved in intense physical activity (work related or otherwise) or a regular day job, the process of mitigating lasting damage in muscles and bones is important for us all.

    Massage Chairs deliver us exactly that- helping limbs and body parts free up tension, giving attention to sore areas and allowing greater movement to the individual. The immediate satisfaction one receives from the device is one of its most celebrated points of interest.

    Lightens the Mood

    With the daily pace of life taking its toll on our mental capacities, there is a constant amount of stress and pressure upon individuals that only increases as time goes on, if left unchecked. The process of getting a massage is always a deeply satisfying and pleasurable experience, if done right. The technology that fuels the innovation accounts for the long-lasting impacts a good massage can have on your mental well-being.

    Whether it is mental unease due to work-related or private reasons, a Massage Chair will hardly ever fail to help you create endorphins and serotonin in your brain. Cited as a stress and anxiety buster, it has the means to help an individual take charge of their own life by helping them mitigate the negative side-effects of daily life.


    The act of stimulating muscles generates a fair amount of heat, so it is expected that Massage Chairs warm your body up. This has a positive effect on your skin, which begins to become more active both during and after a session. This acts as a stimulant for the skin to loosen pores, enabling easier cleaning and naturally healthier skin due to presence of lesser impurities.

    The release of toxins and impurities as a result of sweating is highly beneficial and results in a healthier body from within. Moreover, the regeneration rate of cells is greatly increased, offering higher healing potential from scratches, bruises and cuts anywhere on the body. Cell regeneration is a sign of well-being, and massage chairs can greatly improve it.

    Better Breathing

    Our lung capacity is often variable due to the effect that our lifestyles can have upon body. When muscles begin to contract around the lungs usually due to improper posture, the lungs begin to contract in size to adjust themselves in your chest's cavity.

    In order to compensate, your body takes in shorter, faster breaths, thereby reducing lung capacity. With the help of massage chairs, the muscles around your lungs and back can relax, enabling your lungs to fill into your chest cavity properly. This enables you to take in significantly more air than you have been lately.

    This positively impacts your endurance and attentiveness, alongside relieving stress and anxiety caused by the lung contraction process. You can rejuvenate your bodily steadily, in a controlled fashion with Massage Chairs at home or at a therapy session.

    What Makes a Massage Chair “3D”?

        2D massage technology features rollers that travel up and down, from your neck to your mid to lower back. This technology is beneficial for physical and mental health, but 3D technology takes it even further.
        The rollers in a 3D massage chair travel up and down, left and right and in and out, and can press into your back — just like a massage therapist would.
        Since the rollers are able to push in and out, you can adjust the intensity of your massage. This makes 3D massage chairs perfect for homes with multiple users who all have varying intensity preferences.
        How to differentiate between 2D, 3D and 4D Massage Chairs
    When looking for a suitable massage chair, you will come across the terms 2D, 3D and 4D Massage chairs. These terms might seem a bit confusing especially for a first time buyer who is yet to interact with massage chairs.
        If you are as confused as this buyer, then this read will greatly benefit you. I believe that by the end of this blog, all your questions will be answered and it will become much easier for you to choose the right massage chair according to your needs.
        2D Massage Chairs
        2D rollers were the standard before the advancement to 3D rollers and now 4D rollers. When thinking about a 2D massage chair, imagine a traditional back roller massage.
        These massage rollers move in two dimensions, that is, up and down or side to side. This means that the movement is from your neck down to your lower back or across. Although this movement may seem basic, it is effective, feels great and provides much of the benefits of a massage.
        With 2D Massage chairs you get; alleviation of back pain, easing of sore muscles, stress relief and overall improvement of your health. However, it is important to note that 2D rollers only work on surface muscles. If you are looking for an exceptionally deep massage then the 3D and 4D massage chairs will be more suitable.
        3D Massage Chairs
        3D rollers create a more realistic massage experience; they take everything the 2D rollers do to the next level and top them with more features.
        Unlike the 2D rollers that only move up and down or side to side, 3D rollers provide a 3rd dimension of massage. They can move left and right, up and down, and in and out. They can protrude further out from the track and reach places that are typically neglected by the average chair, including the upper neck and shoulder area. These movements help the rollers feel more like a human masseuse and give deep massages.
        Other than that, 3D Massage Chairs allow you to adjust the intensity of the massage according to your needs and preferences. This is especially helpful for those who intend to get a massage chair to be used by multiple users.
        4D Massage Chairs
        Now that you have gotten a gist of what 2D and 3D massage chairs are, let us get into 4D massage chairs. 4D massage chairs are a lot like the 3D models.
        The biggest difference between the two is that with 4D massage chairs, the rollers can speed up or slow down automatically so as to concentrate on specific tense muscles. Additionally, 4D massage chairs use 4D rollers which ensure deeper tissue massages.
    Apart from that, 4D massage chairs give users more control. This means that users can customize their massage sessions without any hustle, and this is made possible by the variety of strength adjustments offered by these massage chairs.

    Things to Look for When Buying A Massage Chair

    There's a lot to consider when you're shopping for a massage chair — What do you want your massage chair to do for you? What's your budget? Where will it live? A high quality massage chair is an important investment, and one that shouldn't be made without some important considerations. Here are 12 key things to look for when buying a massage chair.

    1.) Massage Functions

    Low-end massage chairs usually offer little more than simple vibration and rolling massage. On the other hand, high-end massage chairs offer a wide variety of features to help put you at ease. These features often include, but certainly are not limited to:

    All-inclusive menu of pre-programmed functions

    2D (basic), 3D (adjustable) & 4D (variable) roller intensity

    Heat therapy





    Sound therapy

    Space-saving design



    Zero gravity & inversion therapy

    Of course, the number and quality of these functions will affect the cost of the massage chair — but prioritizing your long-term health is worth the investment!

    2.) Price

    First-time massage chair shoppers might be taken aback when they see the prices of quality massage chairs. It helps to have some context so you don't abandon the search altogether. A premium massage chair, even with the most standard of functions, can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $12,000, with most models sitting somewhere between $3,000 and $7,000. Lots of factors will determine cost, including number of functions, technology, customizability and upholstery, but a good rule of thumb is to pass by chairs that cost less than $1,000 full-price.

    >Related reading:    How Much Should You Spend on a Massage Chair? The Truth Behind the Price

    The most important thing to remember regarding cost is that a massage chair is much more economical than regular visits to a masseuse, not to mention it's more convenient. Regular massage chair use, if enjoyed properly, can also result in long term health benefits that are tough to put a price tag on.

    3.) Massage Areas

    In addition to offering various massage styles, all luxury massage chairs can target areas besides your back. Many full body massage chairs offer a leg and foot massage function, and some chairs can even target the arms and hands. These targeted massage options are usually delivered by air bags, massage heads or rollers spread throughout the chair. Advanced massage chairs can also feature a thumb-like massage head to mimic the therapeutic benefits of a trip to a masseuse.

    Manage Lower Back Pain

    According to the American Chiropractic Association, lower back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide. Approximately one in ten people have it, and for many who develop back pain, it becomes a chronic condition.

    A recent study found that massage may provide lasting relief for chronic lower back pain, according to    research    published in the journal    Pain Medicine. Researchers looked at 104 people with persistent back pain who were referred by their doctors to licensed massage therapists. They went to 10 sessions over 12 weeks, and the practitioners were free to design massage programs that were individual to the patients, rather than all using the same technique.

    Most subjects completed a questionnaire, and more than 50% reported clinically meaningful improvement in their back pain. Several people even dropped below the threshold for disability according to lead author Niki Munk, an assistant professor of health sciences at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. Additionally, many of these improvements lasted. Three months later, with no further massage sessions, 75% of the people who reported initial improvement said they still felt better.
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