Vibration issue

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Also, it’s worth checking if the rotor in the compressor is properly balanced. Imbalances here are a common cause of vibration. Have you noticed if the noise changes with the AC running at different speeds? You might need to remove the access panel to get a good look at the rotor. If you're comfortable, turn off the power and open the unit. Look at the rotor and the fan blades. Sometimes there are visible signs like bent blades or debris stuck in the blades. I think that rotor balancing can be a bit technical. Usually, it involves adjusting the weight on the rotor or replacing parts to correct any imbalances. If you're not experienced with this, it might be safer to call a professional. They have the tools and expertise to do it correctly without damaging the unit.
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Also, it’s worth checking if the rotor in the compressor is properly balanced. Imbalances here are a common cause of vibration. Have you noticed if the noise changes with the AC running at different speeds? You might need to remove the access panel to get a good look at the rotor. If you're comfortable, turn off the power and open the unit. Look at the rotor and the fan blades. Sometimes there are visible signs like bent blades or debris stuck in the blades. I think that rotor balancing can be a bit technical. Usually, it involves adjusting the weight on the rotor or replacing parts to correct any imbalances. If you're not experienced with this, it might be safer to call a professional. They have the tools and expertise to do it correctly without damaging the unit.
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Messages dans ce sujet
Vibration issue - par Sinergine - 18-06-2024,
RE: Vibration issue - par Denmir - 18-06-2024,
RE: Vibration issue - par Revill - 18-06-2024,

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