Vibration issue

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Hi! Vibration in an air conditioner can be pretty common, especially if there are issues with the rotor or the fan blades. First, I’d suggest checking if anything is loose or out of place. Sometimes, just tightening bolts and screws can reduce the vibration significantly.
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Hi! Vibration in an air conditioner can be pretty common, especially if there are issues with the rotor or the fan blades. First, I’d suggest checking if anything is loose or out of place. Sometimes, just tightening bolts and screws can reduce the vibration significantly.
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Messages dans ce sujet
Vibration issue - par Sinergine - 18-06-2024,
RE: Vibration issue - par Denmir - 18-06-2024,
RE: Vibration issue - par Revill - 18-06-2024,

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