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A staple in many American bathrooms is a simple and helpful toothbrush. These oral cleaners are seen in bathrooms in television, movies, pictures from and of celebrities, millions of homes, and so much more. These little brushes work hard to keep our mouths clean, and without their help, our oral health could suffer greatly and cause us to need significant surgeries to keep our health up to par.

The Toothbrush has many iterations, with the earliest version that looks like the brushes we have today being invented in 1498 in China. These toothbrushes had boar hair bristles with a bone or bamboo handle to hold. These brushes were specially made until 1780 when William Addis began
mass producing them. Now, everyone had the ability to better their oral health and allow them to take care of themselves and their teeth in one of the best ways possible.

Adult Toothbrushes are important for us to use every day, and they’re a tool every dentist across the world will recommend you use every day. By using toothbrushes, you are able to better your tooth and gum health and maintain a healthier mouth than if you decided to not brush your teeth at all. As always, these small steps, along with seeing a caring and helpful dentist, will help you achieve a healthy and happy smile your entire life.

Toothbrushes are available at most major grocery, convenience, and pharmacy stores. Major brands like Wal-Mart, Walgreens, and CVS should carry toothbrushes and other oral health tools. Their ease of access makes owning and replacing them convenient, and it allows people to switch between brands and types of toothbrushes to be able to find the one that they like the most. Having a Bamboo Toothbrush that works with you and feels the most comfortable is important, so be sure to switch around until you find the one that works for you.
Having a toothbrush that is comfortable and easy for you to use is important as it will make the few minutes you spend every day brushing your teeth easier and better. Brushing our teeth allows us to fight gum disease, cavities, and other oral health conditions that will cause us to lose our teeth and suffer other health issues like heart disease. By brushing our teeth, we can improve our oral health and our overall health, which means longer and happier lives for all that do the simple act of brushing their teeth.

Why isn’t brushing enough?
The tooth has 5 surfaces, but your toothbrush can only reach 3 of them. The two untouched surfaces are very close to the sides of other teeth, making it easy for food to get trapped in between. When food gets stuck in these gaps, it creates a breeding ground for bacteria to build up, creating plaque. This is where Floss comes in handy – as an interdental cleaning tool, it can get into these tight spaces and remove 80% of plaque.
  • Protect your gums
When you neglect flossing, plaque and bacteria can easily build up. If they are not removed properly the bacteria will eventually begin to irritate the gum tissue, and this will get worse as bacteria increases. When left untreated, this can eventually cause Gingivitis – a periodontal disease that causes red and puffy gums to bleed easily.
  • And your teeth
As well as causing irritation, the bacteria between your teeth will also destroy your tooth’s enamel, causing a cavity. Flossing will remove this plaque to prevent the build-up of harmful bacteria. Regularly flossing is a great way to check your mouth for potential cavities, as well as swelling or redness. Dental Floss will also make your teeth look brighter by removing plaque and excess food that you may not spot in a mirror.
  • Good for your overall health
We understand that brushing your teeth after each meal may not be convenient, but flossing after a meal is easy and can be done anywhere. Not only does regular flossing help you practice good oral hygiene, but it can also help you maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, as flossing after eating will make you less tempted to snack.
Dentists recommend that you should floss once a day, the best time being in the evenings after you brush to remove any food and plaque at the end of the day. If you are concerned about dental diseases or have noticed any sensitivity or changes to your teeth, please book an appointment with Whistler Dental.

Dental Floss Picks are D-shaped pieces of plastic with a handle. They contain a single piece of floss stretched between the two arms and can be a convenient way to floss, especially if you’re on the go or have mobility issues with arthritis in your hands
But how can you make sure you use dental floss picks properly? And are they effective? Below, the dental experts at Northside Dental Clinic will answer these questions for you.
How do I floss with dental floss picks?
Dental floss picks aren’t the same as normal floss strings because they use the same small piece of floss throughout your entire mouth. It can also be difficult to curve the floss picks to get into all the different angles and surfaces of your teeth. However, if you use the right technique, flossing with dental floss picks can be an effective way to fight plaque and bacteria buildup between your teeth, on the surface of your teeth, and underneath your gums.
To start, here are three easy steps to follow while flossing with dental floss pics:
  1. Use the pick to get between two of your teeth and gently press it against your gums.

  2. Slide the pick with an in and out motion to remove any food particles from between your teeth.

  3. Rinse the floss pick as needed to make sure it stays clean.
Flossing is just one of several options for interdental cleaning. It should be noted that floss is most advantageous in sites where healthy papillae fill embrasure spaces; open embrasures that often accompany tissue loss are likely better served by other devices, such as the Interdental Brush. To be effective, any interproximal device must be used properly; thus, there is need for quality research studies with comparable methodology to evaluate the effectiveness of floss and other interproximal devices in reducing gingival inflammation.

Typically made to appear clear so it will be less visible, orthodontic wax is made of natural substances, such as carnauba wax, beeswax or paraffin wax. It also contains some modifiers and fillers to make it function better. You can get tasteless wax for braces or products that come in a variety of flavors including mint.

Why Use Dental Wax for Braces?
Traditional orthodontic braces include metal brackets that hold wires, which run around the teeth. After a period of time, this wire is tightened to apply pressure to the teeth and help guide them into alignment. Sometimes brackets can irritate the soft tissue inside the mouth as they rub against it. The tongue and cheek are especially sensitive early on, since they haven’t had a chance to get used to the contact. While you wait for these areas to toughen, you can use orthodontic wax to cover a troublesome bracket and help protect your tongue, lips and cheek from abrasions.

How to Use Orthodontic Wax
Before touching your Orthodontic Wax, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands with soap to prevent bacteria from entering any sores within your mouth. You may also want to take this opportunity to brush your teeth, floss and clean your braces to avoid plaque buildup.
Once your hands and mouth are clean, identify any painful areas by examining your mouth for red marks or abrasions, or by feeling around with your fingertips. Once you find a troublesome area, locate the responsible bracket and dry it using a cloth or tissue.
Roll a small ball of wax in your fingers, allowing the heat from your hand to soften it, so you can shape it the way you want. Be careful not to use too much wax, as it may feel uncomfortable or fall off inside your mouth.
After molding the wax, press it over the wire or bracket responsible for your discomfort. Press firmly, surrounding the area as best you can, using your fingertip. You may also use your tongue to help shape the wax and mold it in place.
Once the wax is in place, your abrasions will have an opportunity to heal. Since there is an exceptional amount of blood flow in the mouth, this shouldn’t take very long. Re-apply the wax as needed to protect the irritated areas. In time, the soft tissue in your mouth will toughen, and you will need the wax less and less.
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A staple in many American bathrooms is a simple and helpful toothbrush. These oral cleaners are seen in bathrooms in television, movies, pictures from and of celebrities, millions of homes, and so much more. These little brushes work hard to keep our mouths clean, and without their help, our oral health could suffer greatly and cause us to need significant surgeries to keep our health up to par.

The Toothbrush has many iterations, with the earliest version that looks like the brushes we have today being invented in 1498 in China. These toothbrushes had boar hair bristles with a bone or bamboo handle to hold. These brushes were specially made until 1780 when William Addis began
mass producing them. Now, everyone had the ability to better their oral health and allow them to take care of themselves and their teeth in one of the best ways possible.

Adult Toothbrushes are important for us to use every day, and they’re a tool every dentist across the world will recommend you use every day. By using toothbrushes, you are able to better your tooth and gum health and maintain a healthier mouth than if you decided to not brush your teeth at all. As always, these small steps, along with seeing a caring and helpful dentist, will help you achieve a healthy and happy smile your entire life.

Toothbrushes are available at most major grocery, convenience, and pharmacy stores. Major brands like Wal-Mart, Walgreens, and CVS should carry toothbrushes and other oral health tools. Their ease of access makes owning and replacing them convenient, and it allows people to switch between brands and types of toothbrushes to be able to find the one that they like the most. Having a Bamboo Toothbrush that works with you and feels the most comfortable is important, so be sure to switch around until you find the one that works for you.
Having a toothbrush that is comfortable and easy for you to use is important as it will make the few minutes you spend every day brushing your teeth easier and better. Brushing our teeth allows us to fight gum disease, cavities, and other oral health conditions that will cause us to lose our teeth and suffer other health issues like heart disease. By brushing our teeth, we can improve our oral health and our overall health, which means longer and happier lives for all that do the simple act of brushing their teeth.

Why isn’t brushing enough?
The tooth has 5 surfaces, but your toothbrush can only reach 3 of them. The two untouched surfaces are very close to the sides of other teeth, making it easy for food to get trapped in between. When food gets stuck in these gaps, it creates a breeding ground for bacteria to build up, creating plaque. This is where Floss comes in handy – as an interdental cleaning tool, it can get into these tight spaces and remove 80% of plaque.
  • Protect your gums
When you neglect flossing, plaque and bacteria can easily build up. If they are not removed properly the bacteria will eventually begin to irritate the gum tissue, and this will get worse as bacteria increases. When left untreated, this can eventually cause Gingivitis – a periodontal disease that causes red and puffy gums to bleed easily.
  • And your teeth
As well as causing irritation, the bacteria between your teeth will also destroy your tooth’s enamel, causing a cavity. Flossing will remove this plaque to prevent the build-up of harmful bacteria. Regularly flossing is a great way to check your mouth for potential cavities, as well as swelling or redness. Dental Floss will also make your teeth look brighter by removing plaque and excess food that you may not spot in a mirror.
  • Good for your overall health
We understand that brushing your teeth after each meal may not be convenient, but flossing after a meal is easy and can be done anywhere. Not only does regular flossing help you practice good oral hygiene, but it can also help you maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, as flossing after eating will make you less tempted to snack.
Dentists recommend that you should floss once a day, the best time being in the evenings after you brush to remove any food and plaque at the end of the day. If you are concerned about dental diseases or have noticed any sensitivity or changes to your teeth, please book an appointment with Whistler Dental.

Dental Floss Picks are D-shaped pieces of plastic with a handle. They contain a single piece of floss stretched between the two arms and can be a convenient way to floss, especially if you’re on the go or have mobility issues with arthritis in your hands
But how can you make sure you use dental floss picks properly? And are they effective? Below, the dental experts at Northside Dental Clinic will answer these questions for you.
How do I floss with dental floss picks?
Dental floss picks aren’t the same as normal floss strings because they use the same small piece of floss throughout your entire mouth. It can also be difficult to curve the floss picks to get into all the different angles and surfaces of your teeth. However, if you use the right technique, flossing with dental floss picks can be an effective way to fight plaque and bacteria buildup between your teeth, on the surface of your teeth, and underneath your gums.
To start, here are three easy steps to follow while flossing with dental floss pics:
  1. Use the pick to get between two of your teeth and gently press it against your gums.

  2. Slide the pick with an in and out motion to remove any food particles from between your teeth.

  3. Rinse the floss pick as needed to make sure it stays clean.
Flossing is just one of several options for interdental cleaning. It should be noted that floss is most advantageous in sites where healthy papillae fill embrasure spaces; open embrasures that often accompany tissue loss are likely better served by other devices, such as the Interdental Brush. To be effective, any interproximal device must be used properly; thus, there is need for quality research studies with comparable methodology to evaluate the effectiveness of floss and other interproximal devices in reducing gingival inflammation.

Typically made to appear clear so it will be less visible, orthodontic wax is made of natural substances, such as carnauba wax, beeswax or paraffin wax. It also contains some modifiers and fillers to make it function better. You can get tasteless wax for braces or products that come in a variety of flavors including mint.

Why Use Dental Wax for Braces?
Traditional orthodontic braces include metal brackets that hold wires, which run around the teeth. After a period of time, this wire is tightened to apply pressure to the teeth and help guide them into alignment. Sometimes brackets can irritate the soft tissue inside the mouth as they rub against it. The tongue and cheek are especially sensitive early on, since they haven’t had a chance to get used to the contact. While you wait for these areas to toughen, you can use orthodontic wax to cover a troublesome bracket and help protect your tongue, lips and cheek from abrasions.

How to Use Orthodontic Wax
Before touching your Orthodontic Wax, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands with soap to prevent bacteria from entering any sores within your mouth. You may also want to take this opportunity to brush your teeth, floss and clean your braces to avoid plaque buildup.
Once your hands and mouth are clean, identify any painful areas by examining your mouth for red marks or abrasions, or by feeling around with your fingertips. Once you find a troublesome area, locate the responsible bracket and dry it using a cloth or tissue.
Roll a small ball of wax in your fingers, allowing the heat from your hand to soften it, so you can shape it the way you want. Be careful not to use too much wax, as it may feel uncomfortable or fall off inside your mouth.
After molding the wax, press it over the wire or bracket responsible for your discomfort. Press firmly, surrounding the area as best you can, using your fingertip. You may also use your tongue to help shape the wax and mold it in place.
Once the wax is in place, your abrasions will have an opportunity to heal. Since there is an exceptional amount of blood flow in the mouth, this shouldn’t take very long. Re-apply the wax as needed to protect the irritated areas. In time, the soft tissue in your mouth will toughen, and you will need the wax less and less.
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